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旅游是一个。Travel is one.

戴茜是怎样旅行的?How did Daisy travel?

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何谓“绿色旅行”What is green travel?

无信贷旅游.Travel without credit.

它可以免费搭车。He can travel for free.

我也愿意去旅游。I would like to travel.

我爰读书、旅游。I hence reading, travel.

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我爱好音乐和旅游。I love music and travel.

我,是梦的旅者。旅者。Me, who dream of travel.

如果可以我想散心旅行。If I want to travel trip.

他们将坐轮船去。They will travel by boat.

你喜欢坐飞机旅行吗?Do you like travel by air?

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我们怎样才能阻止他旅行?How can we stop his travel?

光传得多快?How fast does light travel?

我们喜欢乘长途汽车旅行。We like to travel by coach.

欢迎您来三亚旅游!Welcome to travel in Sanya!

现在他拥有了一家旅行社。Now he owns a travel agency.

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他们渴望出国旅行。They pined to travel abroad.

必要时轻装上阵。Travel light when necessary.

我选定了一家游游社了。I decided on a travel agency.