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如何贮备你的食物储藏室。How to stock your pantry.

保持你的食品柜里食物的整洁。Keep smart foods in your pantry.

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茶房可以有充分的乐趣及安慰。Having a full pantry can be fun and reassuring.

我想造一个自己的食品室来放食物。I want to build my own pantry to stock my foods.

食品柜里除了一些面包其它什么也不剩。No food was left in the pantry except some bread.

同时准备一些流质食物,便当和鸡汤。Prep the pantry with liquids, tea and chicken soup.

他母亲用硬纸板隔了一小间食品室。His mother used cardboard to section off a small pantry.

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但要说我们所储藏的果实已经耗尽,这一概念略显荒谬。But the concept that we’ve exhausted the pantry is ridiculous.

它可以用来放在储藏室或冰箱的架子上装东西。It can be used on pantry and refrigerator shelves to organize.

乔伊斯的一天小康提醒曾经持续向本地粮食茶水。Joyce's day-off tips have gone straight to the local food pantry.

对面的厨房是没有餐桌椅,但头部和茶水。Opposite the galley there is no dinette, but a head and a pantry.

橱柜堆满鼓鼓的塑料包装狗尿布。Puffy, plasticky packages of Doggie Depends stocked in the pantry.

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锁上内仓门记住客用品是非常贵的。Lock the pantry door and remember guest supplies are very expensive.

一直希望你可以更有组织性的处理你的聚会和购物?Ever wished you could be more organised with your pantry and shopping?

参加麦迪逊县的节日活动记得要带一些罐装的食品或者其他食物。Bring a canned good or staples for the Madison-Banks County food pantry.

有一次,一只鸟死在了窗台上,他们整整一天都躲在厨房的储藏室里。Once a bird died on the sill and they spent the entire day in the pantry.

请将垃圾弃置于茶水间垃圾桶内。Please dispose all garbage into the garbage bin which placed inside the pantry.

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通过浏览您的冰箱来提前做计划并根据您已有的食物来做饭。Plan ahead by scanning your pantry and creating meals based on food you already have.

在芝加哥郊区,橡树园河森林食品储藏室完全取消了火鸡。In suburban Chicago, the Oak Park River Forest Food Pantry got rid of turkey altogether.

检查冰箱、储藏室和碗橱,确保你有所有需要的食材。Check the fridge, pantry and cupboards to make sure you have all the ingredients you need.