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好吧,那你现在再告诉我,为什么其他国家应该跟着日本上国际法院?Now tell me again why any country should go to the ICJ with Japan???

国际社会应该给予国际法院更多表现其公正的机会。The international community should give ICJ more opportunity to display its justice.

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就像国际法院是处理国际犯罪争端的权威当局一样,对吧?Just like the ICJ is the authority that decides internatio¬¬nal criminal disputes, right?

第四章考察了中国与国际法院任意强制管辖权。Chapter Four discusses China's attitude towards the optional compulsory jurisdiction of ICJ.

国际法院是联合国的主要司法机关,但尚未发挥其应有的作用。It is a major organ of the UN for the ICJ. But it has not yet played its functions it should do.

海牙国际法庭1962年曾经裁决这座庙宇在柬埔寨境内,但是对庙宇周边的土地并没有做出裁决。The ICJ ruled in 1962 that the temple itself is in Cambodia, but made no decision on the surrounding land.

今年5月,柬埔寨请求国际法庭迫使泰国从这座寺庙附近有争议的土地上撤军。In May, Cambodia called on the ICJ to force Thailand to withdraw troops from the contested territory surrounding the temple.

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联合国国际法院在一份报告中说,这是该法院历史上首次有两位女法官同时就职。A statement of ICJ on Monday said that it is the first time in the court's history that two female judges will serve simultaneously.

国际法院判决表明中间线划界非大陆架划界原则,而是一种划界方法。The decisions of ICJ tell that the principle of medium line is not a principle of delimitation in this fields and it is only a kind of method.

一九八九年ICJ对西西里电子公司案之判决,却直接审理实质问题,而未提到股东本籍国是否当事人适格。ICJ Judgment in ELSI Case 1989 went straight to substantive issues without discussing if national State of shareholders has legal capacity to do so.

任何联合国会员国均是「国际法院规约」当事国,并可依单方声明、双边协议或多边条约等方式,接受国际法院之管辖权。All member states of the UN are parties to the Statute of the ICJ. They can accept the ICJ's jurisdiction by declarations, bilateral agreements or multilateral treaties.

对此,国际法院和国际仲裁庭利用受理国家间大陆架划界争端的机会,为解释与澄清大陆架划界的理论与实践问题作了大量的努力。To interpret and clarify the rules of the international law, the ICJ and the international arbitration tribunal work hard by making use of the chance of hearing the disputes.

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1992年,国际法庭裁定大多数有争议的领土归洪都拉斯所有,并,洪都拉斯和萨尔瓦多于1998年签署了边界划定条约。In 1992, the Court awarded most of the disputed territory to Honduras, and in 1998, Honduras and El Salvador signed a border demarcation treaty to implement the terms of the ICJ decree.