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好吧,我是拉拉队长…Okay, I was the cheerleading captain.

场上啦啦队的呐喊声一浪高过一浪。Wave upon wave of field cheerleading chants.

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你就是里奇菲尔德的拉拉队队长?You were cheerleading captain at Ridgefield?

就这样,啦啦队在美国诞生了。Thus, cheerleading in the United States was born.

有组织的啦啦队活动始于1898年。The history of organized cheerleading started in 1898.

藉著推动啦啦舞及竞技啦啦队,从而推广啦啦精神。To promote Cheer Spirit by Cheer Dance and Cheerleading.

而在现今的学校里,这些都正在被瑜伽和啦啦队代替。”, are being replaced in schools by yoga and even cheerleading.

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大多数高校甚至没有对啦啦操做任何宣传。Most colleges do not pay energy to promote cheerleading publicly.

他还曾经在山姆•休斯顿大学的啦啦队营中授课。He also taught at the first cheerleading camp at Sam Houston College.

身着拉拉队服的Magan更是颠覆了猎人的传统形象。Magan especially in her cheerleading uniform defies the typical image of a hunter.

湖人拉拉队候选人们为拉拉队选拔选择了不同款式的鞋袜。Laker Girl hopefuls chose different types of footwear for the cheerleading auditions.

裁判员时刻注意着绳索中间红巾的移动,啦啦队不停在为各班的选手加油鼓劲!The rope middle red alert mobile, cheerleading kept for all classes of players cheer!

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为女生设置的体育项目一般不过是啦啦队活动而已。Athletics programming for women generally consisted of little other than cheerleading squads.

换句话说,你不能带着拉拉队去把他们哄到新的行为上。In other words, you cannot hold cheerleading sessions and coax people into these new behaviors.

同时,他还是一种非常流行的啦啦队跳跃动作的创始人,这一动作也以他的名字命名为“何其莫跳法”。Herkimer also was the inventor of a very popular cheerleading jump which was named "the herkie" after him.

一个没有它就是一体育弱智学校的赢得了奖杯的拉拉队队长…Okay, I was the cheerleading captain of a trophy-winning squad in an otherwise athletically retarded school.

最近一个星期六的上午,Magan前往威恩斯伯勒也就是她所在高中参加啦啦队比赛。On a recent Saturday morning Magan is headed to a cheerleading competition at her high school in Waynesboro.

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星期六早晨,Magan去位于Waynesboro的她所在的高中参加拉拉队比赛。On a recent Saturday morning, Magan is headed to a cheerleading competition at her high school in Waynesboro.

随着价值数百万美元的管理理论行业兴起,这种“企业拉拉队”更是得到加强。A taste for cheerleading has been reinforced by the rise of a multi-million-dollar management-theory industry.

顶着一头玛丽莲·梦露式的金发,一身紧身衣,平日里紧巴巴的啦啦队女教头摇身展现出她更鲜活的一面。With her blonde Marilyn Monroe-style curls and sharp suit, the normally uptight cheerleading coach shows a side.