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我们至少可以先挪开我们自己个人生活中的偶像。We can at least remove anything idolatrous from our own personal life.

他们还想在这里建立起英国圣公会偶像崇拜的仪式。They are minded , also, to establish the idolatrous forms of English Episcopacy.

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波斯人也是拜偶像的,他们用自己的神代替巴比伦的。The Persians were also idolatrous , so they replaced Babylon's gods with their own.

骄傲是对自己的偶像崇拜,是地狱的国教。Pride is the idolatrous worship of ourselves, and that is the national religion of hell.

他告诉他们,他们的神是假的,而且不止一个崇拜上帝是盲目崇拜。He tells them that their gods are false and that worshipping more than one God is idolatrous.

阿摩斯竟敢在伯特利这个拜偶像的中心发预言,真是勇敢!How bold Amos was to prophesy these things right from Bethel, the idolatrous centre of Israel!

以色列众人都到那里行邪淫,因此这个"厄弗得"便成了基德红及其家族的罗网。However, all Israel paid idolatrous homage to it there, and caused the ruin of Gideon and his family.

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当兽和牠的先知被扔在火湖中时,敌基督的权柄和充满偶像的罗马就消灭了。When the beast and his prophet were thrown into the fiery lake, the rule of Antichrist and idolatrous Rome ended.

最后一击出现在2001年,一队队挥舞着榔头的塔利班狂热分子前来,把他们认为是偶像崇拜的艺术品砸毁。The final assault came in 2001, when teams of hammer-wielding Taliban zealots came to smash works of art they deemed idolatrous.

上帝要百姓被掳归回后,完全脱离拜偶像之罪的影响。God wanted all the idolatrous influences removed from His people who would later return after the seventy-year captivity in Babylon.

它可以取代盲目崇拜和不道德的印度教礼仪与自己强加礼仪,并替代横的可恶的林加。It can replace the idolatrous and immoral Hindu rites with its own imposing liturgy, and substitute the Cross for the abominable linga.

上帝为了祂名的缘故,不会让以色列人吃败仗,免得拜偶像的外邦百姓宣称是他们所拜的神使他们得胜。For His own name's sake, God would not let Israel see defeat so that the idolatrous people could not claim that their gods defeated Him.

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许多地方民众的生活有了显著的转变,许多教堂里也取消了罗马教为敬拜而陈设的偶像。In many places there was a marked reform in the manners of the people, and the idolatrous symbols of Romanism were removed from the churches.

以色列人不专心倚赖上帝,离弃对上帝真实的敬拜,而将之与异教徒的偶像祟拜及迷信混杂在一起。The Israelites abandoned their dependence upon God and true worship of Him to mix it with the idolatrous , superstitious ways of the heathen.

周五的布道引用了“朝鲜和穆罕默德言行录”的话,强烈谴责这座巨大雕像的偶像崇拜主义本质,伊斯兰领袖们表示赞同。Imams agreed a text for Friday sermons quoting "the Koran and the Hadith" which forms a denunciation of the idolatrous nature of the giant structure.

第十章重述以色列人早在旷野流浪之日,就已有了拜偶像的罪。In continuing to stress their guilt in chapter ten, Hosea reaffirms the idolatrous hold that was upon Israel ever since the early days in the wilderness.

在一个不圣洁、不纯净、拜偶像的时代中,我们要清净与圣洁,表明基督的恩典有能力在世人身上恢复神圣的形像。Among an unholy, impure, idolatrous generation, we are to be pure and holy, showing that the grace of Christ has power to restore in man the divine likeness.

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而在她死后,她仍然不能与他待在一起,不能与他一起复活。她对他如偶像崇拜一般的爱使基督的脸变得模糊,她无法认出她的救主基督。After her death, she still could not be with him, rise with him. Her idolatrous love to him had made Jesus' face obscured, she would not recognize her Savior.

上帝要以色列人征服拜偶像的城镇,并摧毁一切沾染污秽之物,因上帝视为可憎之物,当用火焚烧。Israel must conquer idolatrous cities and destroy all the spoil, regarding all that had been polluted by idolatry as an accursed thing to be burned with fire.

影响小学生认同偶像性重要他人的主要因素是社会中具某种代表性或一定典型意义的价值取向。The main factors which make pupils identify themselves with his idolatrous significant others are the values which represent the typical trends of a certain era.