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豌豆粥有点儿烫。Pease porridge hot.

冷豌豆粥。Pease porridge cold.

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请仔细地听我说。Listen to me carefully. pease.

请代我将啤酒斟上。Pease fill out the beer for me.

请勿以附件形式发送你的简历。Pease send your CV bye-mail without attachment.

盼望弟兄姊妹都能一同来参加。Pease come to participate the important sharing.

“他只配蹲监牢,”玛丽·皮斯·乔达说。"He belongs in jail, " Mary Pease Jordache said.

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好主意!显现安亭新镇的和谐!Good idea! It seems pease life in Anting new town!

在填写表格前,请细阅第六部至第九部。Pease read Part "VI-IX" carefully before completing this form.

在填写表格前,请细阅第六部至第九部。Pease read Part "VI- VIII " carefully before completing this form.

皮斯是学校唯一的化学和物理教师。Amanda Pease is the only chemistry and physics teacher at her school.

阿曼达皮斯是唯一的化学和物理老师在她的学校。Amanda Pease is the only chemistry and physics teacher at her school.

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在至高之处荣耀归与神,在地上平安归与他所喜悦的人。Glory to God in the hightest, and pease on earth, goodwill towards men.

她会做豌豆布丁,烤面包,用黄花九轮草做樱桃白兰地。She cooked pease -pudding and baked the bread and made cowslip wine and cherry-brandy.

作家芭芭拉·皮斯并不知道她使用的新型避孕药里含有高剂量的睾酮。Author Barbara Pease was unaware that the new con- traceptive pill she had been given contained a high level of testosterone.

那些无法负担基本生活支出,包括周日吃不起一份熏肉豌豆布丁的人,都被划归为贫困人口。Anyone who couldn't afford to buy those basics—including a helping of pease pudding with bacon on Sunday—was below the poverty line.