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第二部分介绍了德国的功能翻译理论。The second part introduces functionalist theory of translation.

工业社会的实用主义模型在概念上遭到了批判。The functionalist model of industrial society was subjected to conceptual criticism.

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本文从功能翻译理论角度就字幕翻译这一课题展开了深入探讨。This paper makes an in-depth exploration on subtitling from the functionalist perspective.

这种功能主义方法具有较强的学术探索价值,当然,也存在不少局限。This functionalist approach has a strong academic exploring value, though it has limitations.

本研究以功能翻译理论为指导,研究汉语公示语的英译。The thesis probes into C-E translation of public signs in light of functionalist translation theory.

在诸多的研究中,德国功能法为广告翻译开辟了一条全新的道路。The German functionalist approach has opened up a new perspective to the study of advertisement translation.

论述了功能主义理论在体育社会学研究、宏观体育社会学和微观体育社会学中的应用。This paper studies the application of functionalist theory in sports sociology from micro to macro perspective.

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你可以通过混合的特征认识到如今已经远离机能主义者的逻辑。You can recognize the contamination though the items hybrid identity, nowadays far from the functionalist logic.

在功能翻译理论框架下,“合格”取代了“对等”的翻译标准。Within the framework of functionalist translation theory, adequacy rather than equivalence is the translation criterion.

功能理论把目标读者放到了重要于原文作者的地位,这与儿童本位论不谋而合。Functionalist approaches put the target readers in front of original authors, which is in accord with child-oriented theory.

一方面,机能主义学派将流言看作是实行社会规则和保持群体团结的有用工具。One side, the functionalist school, sees gossip as a useful tool for enforcing social rules and maintaining group solidarity.

作者分析了英语电视软新闻的特点,并将功能翻译理论运用到英语电视软新闻的汉英翻译中。The author analyzes the features of TV soft news, and applies the functionalist approach in the C-E translation of TV soft news.

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新面料和数字预设要患上开放的、扁圆的、曲线型,如性能主义者息争构主义变型成为有可能。New materials and digital design enable open, elliptical, curved shapes such as functionalist and deconstructionist deformations.

本文尝试使用功能翻译理论对字幕翻译进行研究,以期对提高字幕翻译质量有所借鉴。This thesis is an attempt to apply the functionalist theory to subtitling, with a view to improving the quality of E-C subtitling.

本文运用功能主义翻译理论,对2008年政府工作报告的英译本进行研究分析,除了引言和结论,共包括四个部分。This thesis studies the translation of RWG 2008 from a functionalist perspective in four chapters besides introduction and conclusion.

文章以功能派翻译理论为基础,从目的论视角重新阐释了“信达雅”的内涵。Based on Functionalist Translation Theory, this paper reinterpreted the connotation of "Xin Da Ya" from the perspective of Skopostheorie.

根据功能翻译理论,从读者中心原则出发,非文学翻译以信息传递为焦点,以满足读者的需要为宗旨。In terms of the readers-oriented principle in functionalist theory, non-fiction translation centers on message delivery so as to meet readers' needs.

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基于从功能翻译理论视角出发的文本类型学理论,作者归纳出了适合探讨诗歌翻译的理论框架。Approaching the theory of text typology from the functionalist perspective, the author develops the theoretical framework specific to poetry translation.

涉及到翻译过程的参与者,功能主义者优先考虑发起人和目标语接受者。As far as the participants of translational action are concerned, functionalist approaches give priority to the roles of the initiator and target receivers.

对等性是翻译质量的一个根本方面,翻译质量评估中应从功能主义的角度考虑对等。Since a fundamental aspect of translation quality is equivalence, a functionalist approach to equivalence should be taken in translation quality assessment.