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什麽是小罪?What is a venial sin?

是可恕之罪,或是死罪?Venial sin or mortal sin?

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她的贫穷对那两位殷勤的绅士而言,只是一个微不足道的缺点。Her poverty had been a venial fault for two gallant gentlemen.

可宽恕的罪都是比较微小且易被原谅的。The venial sins are relatively minor and more easily forgiven.

早期基督教教义将罪分为不可赦免之罪及可赦免之罪两种。Early Christian teachings divided sins into the mortal sins and venial sins.

早期基督教教义将罪分为不可赦免之罪及可赦免之罪两种。Early Christian teachings divided sins into the mortal sins and the venial sins.

轻微者可以使用,但时间不宜过长。Those venial sufferers may use Jianwen stones, however, the time period shall not be too long.

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不知道我老了会不会嘲笑自己,只为一点小事就放任自己。I dont know whether i will laugh at myself when i am old, overlook myself just for venial things.

包庇犯罪配置的刑罚种类主要是自由刑,总体而言配置的刑罚比较轻缓。Punishment in crime of shield is mainly the punishment against freedom which is considered to be venial.

为此,树立刑罚新观念、倡导刑罚轻缓化的价值意蕴理应首当其冲。So building up a new concept of penalty and advocating the meaning of value of the venial penalty should be of the first importance.

我们附带说一句,把受难嬷嬷埋葬在修院祭台下这件事,在我们看来完全是无足轻重的。Let us remark in passing, that the burial of Mother Crucifixion under the altar of the convent is a perfectly venial offence in our sight.

男性放荡的一生都可以被视为是可以原谅甚至是值得夸耀的,而女性的哪怕是一小点错误都会被认为是不可原谅的。While a whole life of debauchery on the part of the male sex is considered venial and natural, a single false step on the part of the female is regarded as unpardonable.

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它的主要内容包括犯罪嫌疑人、被告人承认自己有罪的供述和说明自己无罪、罪轻的辩解。Its content mainly includes the confession of a suspect or a defendant to acknowledge a crime and his exculpation to declare himself innocent or guilty of a venial crime.

摘要我国现行刑罚体系不经挤,应切实克服重刑思想,建立健全与刑罚轻缓化相配套的制度与措施。The current system of punishment is diseconomical we should get over the anamnesis of severe punishment constitute the system and measures which are matching to the venial penalty.

宽严相济刑事政策是一个社会经济发展、文明进步的重要标志,适用这一刑事政策是刑罚轻缓化在司法实践中的具体体现。The venial penalty is an important symbol that the economics and civilization develops. Applying to the policy of the venial penalty is the embodiment of the venial penalty in the judicatory practice.