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还有一个贝壳。And a shell.

那是扇状的贝壳。That's a fanlike shell.

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一个人看见了这个河蚌。But a man saw the shell.

如果你是一枚珠贝。If you are a bead shell.

这就是核壳模型。This is the shell model.

他的壳变脆了。His shell became fragile.

去虾壳和虾背上的肠子。Remove prawn's shell &guts.

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倒入土制派的外壳。Pour into unbaked pie shell.

正在沙岸上有一个痹忧。There's a shell on the sand.

我超爱玳瑁眼镜框。I love tortoise shell frames.

铀弹壳就绪,将军。Uranium shell ready, general.

砂壳是砂仁的外壳。Shake is the shell of sha ren.

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鸡蛋去壳,置于碗内备用。Remove the egg shell. Set aside.

像不像乌龟的壳?Does it look like a turtle shell?

比如1s轨道,如果你愿意,k层。Here is 1s, if you like, k shell.

勿将带壳的鸡蛋放入微波炉内加热。Never microwave egg in the shell.

虫子睡在一个花生壳里。The bug sleeps in a peanut shell.

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外壳为钢板焊成。The shell is welded by steel pate.

如何采购壳牌新一代得力士液压油?。Where can I purchase Shell Tellus?

乌龟背上有硬壳。A tortoise has a shell on his back.