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这是右狗腿洞,果岭在那片树林后面。The green is behind the grove.

柳林里的画眉姐姐。Sister Thrush in the willow grove.

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看完了冬枣林。Having seen this winter jujube grove.

柠檬香味充满了小树林。The scent of lemons filled the grove.

这是歌缚梨安,向你问好。This is Grove Lions sayin' hi to you.

朋友,告诉我,离小树林有多远。Tell me, friend, how far is the grove.

看到这片白桦林。At the sight of this white birch grove.

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还可以竹中睡呢。They can also sleep in the bamboo grove.

过去我常在那安静的小树林里散步。I used to take a walk in the quiet grove.

请把我纷披的乱发,当作你幽暗的丛林!Make thy sad grove in my dishevelled hair.

接着,到我们经常去的小榛树林。Then on to our old haunt, the hazel grove.

在枫园,我的恋家是尽人皆知的。I was quite a proverb for it at Maple Grove.

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顺着小树林不久前大风叹口气。The gales, that lately sighed along the grove.

一片桔树园或者一份政府服务部门的工作。An orange grove or a job in Government service.

我竟然能想到竹林七贤。I thought of the seven sages of the bamboo grove.

它们不也想远离城市,前往林中或山上?And dreaming, leave the city for grove or hilltop?

第一天我们去了那里的一个大竹林。First day we have gone to a there big bamboo grove.

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在松树林有一个15公顷的近似表面。The pine grove has an approximate surface of 15 Há.

你的葡萄园和橄榄园也要照样办理。Do the same with your vineyard and your olive grove.

这即是如何找回我们的小树林或找到我们的魔力的办法。It’s how we can get our grove back or find our mojo.