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它是与代俱存的东西。It's a generational thing.

新一代垃圾收集器能否和1.9.2有缘呢?Is a generational GC possible for 1.9.2?

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即将成长起来的新一代也许会改变一切。An imminent generational shift may help to change that.

有一些节点对象属于同一个层级。Mainly, some node objects belong to generational objects.

在这些机构中,出现了巨大的代间冲突。There is a huge generational clash emerging in these institutions.

音乐领域,世代交替飞速进行着。In the world of music, generational change is taking place at rapid speed.

这些技术无疑会改变我们的生活,但这是与代俱存的事情。These technologies change lives, absolutely. But it's a generational thing.

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在拍摄这部电影的过程中,他也了解到了自己这代人对历史的遗忘。In making the film, he became aware of his own generational amnesia, as well.

这种文化观上的差异只是部分地而非完全地体现了党派或是时代差别。The cultural divide was partly, but not completely, partisan and generational.

而不满的心态同样代表了这一代打工人群中心态的转变。The malcontents may also represent a generational shift among migrant workers.

然而,低于预期的收入已经成为代际不平等的表象。But a less anticipated outcome has been the appearance of generational inequalities.

他们集中在世代交替、自由职业者的崛起和技能差距等等。They focus on the generational shift, the rise of freelancing, the skills gap and more.

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研究者推测,几代人之间的这个区别,可能是因为彩色电视机在发挥作用。The researchers speculated that color TV might play a role in the generational difference.

被子植物雌、雄配子体的形成是世代交替的关键过程之一。Angiosperm female and male gametophyte formation is the key to the process of generational one.

这一分代的键模式有一个大问题,在于它不会删除所有失效的键值。There was a big problem with this generational scheme because it didn’t delete all the invalid keys.

这项研究共对1133位年轻的父母进行了调查,结果表明一代一代的育儿方式有很大差别。The study of 1,133 young adult parents found significant generational changes in parenting practices.

寂寞团体的报告描述了代系间的不同,在调查中被描述为有冲击性的。The Lonely Society report described the generational differences uncovered in its survey as "striking".

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人们普遍支持这一观念,即服务已经部分地成了代与代之间变化的受害者。There is a lot of support for the notion that service has, in part, fallen victim to generational change.

在大多数情况下,今天的资本所有者在其商业活动中并不谋求子承父业。In most cases, today’s capitalists do not aspire for generational continuity in their commercial pursuits.

这就是为了恢复人类物种的全意识,一个多代提升是怎样及为什么必须的。This is how and why a generational ascension is required to restore full consciousness in the human species.