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我是来度蜜月的。I'm on my honeymoon.

他拥有一个短暂的蜜月期。He had a brief honeymoon.

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他们在度蜜月。They are on their honeymoon.

蜜月旅行怎么样啊?Well, how was the honeymoon?

"蜜月"这个词怎么样?How about the term "honeymoon"?

爱莎,我们去那里度蜜月?Elsa. Where to go on our honeymoon?

他们打算在欧洲度蜜月。They're going to honeymoon in Europe.

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太好了,我们将会有很棒的蜜月旅行.Great!We'lI have a fantastic honeymoon.

那对新婚夫妻将到日本去度蜜月。The newly weds will honeymoon in Japan.

他们去意大利度蜜月.They went to Italy for their honeymoon.

到美丽的峨嵋山去度蜜月。We went to Emei Mountain for honeymoon.

今天是我蜜月旅行的第一天。Today, is the first day of my honeymoon.

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蜜月旅行套餐的价钱是多少?What is the way for the honeymoon package?

然后小两口儿就去度蜜月了。And then the couple goes on their honeymoon.

你想在哪里度蜜月?Where would you like to go on your honeymoon?

你们要去哪里度蜜月?NO11,6. Where are you going on your honeymoon?

另外,尼亚加拉瀑布是个传统的蜜月胜地。Niagara Falls is a traditional honeymoon spot.

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我懂,你没去渡蜜月。Right. You're not even getting your honeymoon.

度蜜月时,丈母娘是个大电灯泡。A mother-in-law on a honeymoon is a fifth wheel.

最终,爱巢为它们的蜜月做好了准备。Finally the honeymoon suite is ready for action.