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与三星相比,苹果没有屈服。In contrast to Samsung, Apple is a holdout.

未加入的国家包括安哥拉、埃及、以色列、缅甸、朝鲜、索马里和叙利亚。The remaining holdout nations are Angola, Egypt, Israel, Myanmar, North Korea, Somalia and Syria.

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叠印或承载迁徙到后一色不朱层上的油不朱愈多,色彩表示成果愈好。Overprint or hosting over to the former one colour and ink holdout , the more the better colour effect.

现在一报还一报的时候到了,被困城市换成了卡扎菲的老家苏尔特,这里是卡扎菲忠实者最大的残余据点。Now, it is payback time here in Sirte, the strongman's hometown and the biggest remaining loyalist holdout.

不朱层的稳不退性不兵制约着图像的制卡和会员卡制息质度。The stability of the holdout will restrict image business card printing and membership card production quality.

有人说,鸟类和恐龙在趾上的不同成了极少数的科学家仍旧不相信鸟类是由恐龙进化而来的最后抵抗。Some say it's the last holdout for a handful of scientists still not convinced that birds evolved from dinosaurs.

在最近几十年里,大部分的捕鲸活动都已经停止,除了日本和挪威少数国家仍然在持续。In more recent decades, much whaling has been stopped, except for a few holdout nations, such as Japan and Norway.

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有种趋势是美国会发生越来越多的信用卡欺诈案件,因为只有我们还在使用磁条卡。The trend seems to be that more fraud is coming to the U.S. because we’re the one last holdout in magnetic stripe cards.

本系统实现的是保持法和10折交叉确认法,主要是对生成的决策树模型进行准确率方面的评估。We have applied holdout method and 10-fold cross-validation method in the system. They estimate mainly the accuracy rate of the model.

如果一旦发生前所未有的自然灾害,我不知道现在的人们还有多少抵抗能力和承受能力。If once taking place unprecedented natural disaster I don't know people of now still have how much holdout ability and bear an ability.

在伊朗问题上,美国曾经积极寻求英国、法国、俄罗斯的支持,而中国是五常当中唯一抵制的国家。On Iran, the U.S. was careful to line up support on sanctions from the Britain, France and Russia, leaving China as the sole P-5 holdout.

发展中国家表现出愿意达成全球协议的姿态,而美国参议院会自证其为世界上最后一块难啃的骨头吗?With developing countries displaying their readiness to reach a global deal, could the US Senate really prove to be the world's last great holdout?

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纽约已不再是众望所归、纷起仿效的对象了,如今它甚至以成为风行美国的时装潮流的抵制者,以成为摆脱全国清一色的单调局面的一隅逃遁之地而自鸣得意。No longer so looked up to or copied, New York even prides itself on being a holdout from prevailing American trends, a place to escape Common Denominator Land.

美国参议员民主党人19日为医疗改革议案争取到第60名参议员支持,即议案获国会参议院通过所需最低票数。US Senate Democrats reached a compromise Saturday with a holdout senator that secured the 60 votes they needed to pass historic health care reform legislation.

冬天光秃的树,水泥边框里树槽,暴露在零乱的广场砖中,被保护圆套包围着。A bare winter tree, a holdout on cement-bound Third Avenue in New York City, emerges from an unlikely square of bricks, its base encased in a protective sheath.

医院建筑是人类赖以生存繁衍,经历生命全过程以及维护健康、抵抗疾病的神奇场所。The hospital building is mankind to rely for existence to multiply greatly, the career life whole process and maintenances are healthily, miraculous place of paroxysm of holdout.

采用瑞典条分法,进行滑坡体的稳定性检算,对药室装药量、爆破作用指数、最小抵抗线等参数进行设计计算。The Sweden circle method is adopted for the stability analysis of landslide, and the chamber charge, blasting acting index and the minimum holdout line are designed and calculated.

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国际原子能机构的附加议定书——它允许进行更严格的突击检查——应当通过共同协调的努力使之在世界通用,以说服拒不参加的主要国家加入其中。The IAEA’s additional protocol, which allows for more aggressive, short-notice inspections should be made universal, through concerted efforts to persuade key holdout states to join.

长期以来,重庆一直坚守自己的历史,是桀骜不羁的四川省的重要口岸。它抵挡住一波又一波的侵略浪潮,也无视与中国东部的同化。Chongqing was long a holdout against the cycles of history, the major port of unruly Sichuan province, which repelled successive waves of invasion and defied assimilation with China's east.