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这套衣服她穿很可身。The suit fits her nicely.

蓓蒂穿着很漂亮。Betty dresses very nicely.

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这种肥皂泡沫很多。This soap lathers so nicely.

我们工作进展迅速。Our work bowled along nicely.

这件女上衣她穿正合适。The blouse fitted her nicely.

患者顺利地康复了。The patient convalesced nicely.

同时,坦克,但用砂纸皆大欢喜。The same tank but sanded nicely.

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这个桌面能擦得很亮。This tabletop polished up nicely.

他水彩画画得很好。He paints nicely in water-colours.

他注视着一张水彩画。He paints nicely in water-colours.

太阳把座椅晒得暖烘烘的。The sun warmed up the seat nicely.

卷心菜菜头长得很好。The cabbages are heading up nicely.

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病人正顺利康复。The patient is convalescing nicely.

病人正在顺利地康复。The patient is convalescing nicely.

太阳把大地照得暖融融的。The sun warmed up the earth nicely.

她的体形和这张超大锅刚好搭配。She fit nicely on the over-sized pan.

我们正在沿公路平稳行驶。We are bumming along the road nicely.

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泛光灯使你的灯光发散的更漂亮。Omni's make your light scatter nicely.

这张写字台正好可以放进那个壁凹内。The desk will fit nicely in that recess.

阳光正促使庄稼长势良好。The sun is bringing the crops on nicely.