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暴虐和专横跋扈的癖性。A proclivity for violence and authoritarianism.

我们发现,非白人群体中,专制教养的比例更高一些。We saw more rates of authoritarianism in non-white groups.

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专制体制的生存之道无非是不断地“吃人”。The way how an authoritarianism system survives is no more than "eating people" continuously.

要回答俄罗斯的专制是否能够持续的问题,最好的办法是澄清其目标。The question of whether Russia’s authoritarianism is sustainable is best answered by clarifying its purpose.

在朝鲜,宽阔,空旷的街区和着装单调的市民就是一幅极权主义的真实写照。In North Korea, the broad, desolate avenues and drably dressed citizens make for a perfect tableau of authoritarianism.

我是反对传统中国文化的集权主义,而政府正好就是来自那种文化。I write against the authoritarianism of traditional Chinese culture, and the government happens to be from that culture.

将古典音乐研制成武器充分地说明了英国统治阶级的专制和文化倒退。The weaponization of classical music speaks volumes about the British elite's authoritarianism and cultural backwardness.

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第四,虽然公众的“尊严之饥”不减,但从极权通向民主之途,其岖其险。Fourth, while the public hunger for dignityis unabated, the road from authoritarianism to democracy is rocky and perilous.

究竟是官僚主义、命令主义好,还是依靠群众、说服群众好?Which method is actually better then, practising bureaucratism and authoritarianism or relying on the masses and reasoning with them?

很多政治学家指出,俄罗斯目前大量的石油收入是其仍然实行专制统治的主要根源。Numerous political scientists point to Russia’s current abundance of oil revenues as the main source of its remaining authoritarianism.

无党派对长老派的独裁主义非常憎恨,一个相对新的在英国历史现象。The Independents resented the new authoritarianism of the Presbyterians, a relatively new phenomenon on the English cultural landscape.

我们看到中国正沿着南韩、印度尼西亚、蒙古等邻国的轨道慢慢脱离集权化。We see China slowly following the trajectory of South Korea, Indonesia, Mongolia and other neighboring countries away from authoritarianism.

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我们发现,非白人群体中,专制教养的比例更高一些。我认为,在亚裔美国人当中,专制家庭的比例最高。We saw more rates of authoritarianism in non-white groups. I think the percentage of authoritarian households was highest in Asian-Americans.

中国的威权主义使得政府丧失了反馈机制,而这种机制显示的正是是否满足民众的需要及渴求。China's authoritarianism deprives the government of a feedback mechanism to tell it when it is meeting the needs and aspirations of its people.

师生关系视野下的教师权威主义文化探析将有助于教师反思和重建教师文化,改善师生关系。In order to re-build teacher culture and improve teacher-student relationship, teacher should reconsiders the authoritarianism in teacher culture.

可以说是美国式的愿望,这么解释是受欢迎的,但其中也有一点民族主义和重新包装的权威主义的味道,这是令人不安的。It seems to include some American-style aspiration, which is welcome, but also a troubling whiff of nationalism and of repackaged authoritarianism.

职权主义诉讼模式及混合式诉讼模式都是一种基于控辩双方的对抗而推进的对抗性司法模式。The suit mode of authoritarianism and the mixed mode are adversary justice which are based on the confrontation of the power of charge and the accused.

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威权体制在20世纪中后期的东亚现代化进程中起到了“双刃剑”作用。The authoritarianism played the role of a "double-edged sword" in the modernization drive of East Asian countries in the second half of the 20th century.

近代以来,中国人民奋起反抗帝国主义的野蛮侵略和封建专制的腐朽统治。In modern times, the Chinese people rose up to resist the brutal invasion of imperialist countries and the decadent rule of feudalism and authoritarianism.

在未来几年里,我认为我们会看到这一幕重演,而且,正如在古希腊,知识分子们会渐渐拥护专制主义。In years to come I believe we will see this re-emerge, and, just as in Ancient Greece, the intellectuals will generally be on the side of authoritarianism.