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这是著名的哈尔斯塔特景观。This is the famous view of Hallstatt.

哈尔施塔特被誉为“奥地利的珍珠”。Hallstatt is known as"the Pearl of Austria".

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1997年,哈尔斯塔特被列入世界文化遗产。Hallstatt was listed as a World Heritage Site in 1997.

我去过哈施塔特,它是地球上最漂亮的地方。I have been to Hallstatt and it is one of the most beautiful places on earth.

哈施塔特村风光秀丽,是联合国教科文组织认定的世界遗产。Hallstatt is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is well known for its beautiful landscape.

参观结束后,我们到哈尔斯塔特湖对面徒步行走。After visiting the Hallstatt , we went to the other side of lake Hallstaettersee for hiking.

说老实话,当我们到达哈尔斯塔特的时侯,我真的有点失望,因为去的季节不对。To be honest, when we arrived the Hallstatt , I really felt disappointed, because the season was not so nice now.

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这种情绪的形成至少部分来自夏季每天蜂拥而至的上百中国游客。Such sentiments are shared by at least some of the hundreds of Chinese visitors swarming Hallstatt daily during the summer months.

然而,我在奥地利生活的这两年里,我们小俩口去过很多地方,却从没到过哈尔斯塔特。However, during the two years of living in Austria, I visited many places with my honey, just only the Hallstatt we had never been.

一个雾蒙蒙的清晨,渔夫彼得·维莫尔沿着哈尔斯塔特村河岸运送包括青年曼纽尔·沃勒在内的船员时,唤醒了哈尔施塔特尔湖。Early one foggy morning, fisherman Peter Wimmer leaves a wake in lake Hallstattersee as he motors his crew, including young Manuel Wallner, along the shoreside village of Hallstatt.