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既然是十一月,他们早就该停止活动了。Since november ordinarily of it early stoped action.

素常他到十二点钟才睡觉。Ordinarily he doesn't go to bed until twelve o'clock.

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说实话,按说我的生活应该过得很惬意。Tell truth , Ordinarily my life should be very pleased.

按说这时候该下雪了。Ordinarily it should be snowing at this time of the year.

通常,驾车环游特里尼迪山脉往往能享受到一场视觉盛宴。Ordinarily a drive around the Trinities is a visual treat.

而且它又能让你拥有比平日更好的身材。and it keeps you in better shape than you would ordinarily be.

大师通常都劝别人不要住在寺院里。The Master ordinarily dissuaded people from living in a monastery.

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平时,我认为这工作很容易,岂知今日我却有了问题。Ordinarily , I find this job easy , but today I am having problems.

厄尔尼诺可以引起气温偏高。El Ninos can push temperatures higher than they might ordinarily be.

按说诺基亚是一个相对来说的竞争者,在这个时候也涨了。Ordinarily Nokia is a relatively competitors, at this time also rose.

在你最需要它的时候总是卡壳的武器是M60机枪。The weapon that ordinarily jams when you need it the most is the M60.

如果行为是有意的,我们一般将其特征归为应负责任的。We ordinarily characterize an action as responsible if it was intended.

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通常情况下他就是个二百五。不过偶尔他清醒了,他可以升级成傻逼。Ordinarily he is insane. But he has lucid moments when he is only stupid.

重点分析了现有F7机架出口导卫装置的情况。The guide device at the outlet of F7 stand is ordinarily made by cast steel.

窗外能看到的通常就是红土路和栎树以及矮矮的砖墙。Ordinarily he could see to the red road and the oak tree and the low brick wall.

喘振通常与气流在扩散段内的分离和再附相联系。Surging is ordinarily associated with separation and re-attachment in the diffuser.

画廊内挂了三幅通常没有向公众展出过的画。In the gallery were hung three paintings not ordinarily displayed for public viewing.

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按说他们可以毫不费劲地击败其他各队。Ordinarily they were able to rack up all the other teams without the lightest effort.

今天我用到黑板,会比原来多一些。I suppose I expect to be pointing to the board a little bit more today than ordinarily.

但是一般的压电材料都非常硬,而且不易弯曲,通常还有毒性。But they’re ordinarily made of hard, inflexible materials, which are also usually toxic.