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那个小孩是私生的。The little boy is unlawful.

她是他的私生女。She is his unlawful daughter.

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他的车速超过法定速度。He drove his car at an unlawful speed.

不要和有夫之妇乱搞男女关系,这样做是违法的。Don't mess about with married women,it's unlawful.

他们把财产从非法占有者手里收回来了。They evicted the property from its unlawful possessor.

非法监禁,是侵犯人权的一种表现。You know unlawful imprisonment is an abuse of human right.

他被判定与一名未成年少女发生非法性行为。He was convicted of having unlawful sex with an underage girl.

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他是一个非法组织的领导及被警方通缉的逃犯。He is the leader of an unlawful organization and a wanted fugitive.

在被非法攻击下才可使用自卫权。The right of self-defense is only available against unlawful attack.

将你家的吸尘器借给隔壁邻居是非法的。It's unlawful to lend your vacuum cleaner to your next-door neighbor.

他曾就情节较轻的“非法性行为”一项指控认罪。He pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of unlawful sexual intercourse.

禁止非法搜查或者非法侵入公民的住宅。Unlawful search of, or intrusion into, a citizen's home is prohibited.

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年夜卫和我都不感觉他的路博润股票是以任何不法的情势采办的。Neither Dave nor I feel his Lubrizol purchases were in any way unlawful.

亨利八世是第一个通过法规禁止此类游戏的人。Henry VIII was the first to pass legislation against such unlawful gaming.

第一部分为不法原因给付的概述。Firstly, it interprets the meaning of "unlawful", "cause" and "prestation".

禁止非法搜查或者非法侵入公民的住宅。Unlawful search of, or intrusion into, a citizen’s residence is prohibited.

此外,政府对非法内容的界定过于宽泛和含糊。Further the government defines unlawful content in overbroad and vague terms.

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权力腐败是以非法方式使公共利益受到损害的一种权力越轨行为。Corruption of power is an unlawful conduct which is harmful to public interest.

滥捕滥杀野生鸟类是违法行为!Excessive capturing and slaughtering of wild birds constitutes unlawful behavior.

他一直为了揭露一个宠大采矿项目背后的非法协议而努力。He has worked to make known the unlawful agreements behind a huge mining project.