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韩国称同意考虑与中国建立自由贸易区。ROK says agrees with China to consider FTA.

竹岛当前由韩国实际控制。Takeshima by the ROK current actual control.

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日、韩外长下周会务,讨论区域问题。Chinese, Japanese, ROK FMs to meet next weekend.

日韩领导人对朱总理的看法表示同意。The Japanese and ROK leaders seconded Zhu?s view.

朝鲜、韩国恢复边境交通。DPRK, ROK to restore regular cross-border traffic.

唐家璇还会见了韩国外交通商部长官柳明桓。Tang also met with ROK Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan.

关于朝韩加强合作,我们始终持积极支持态度。We always endorse cooperation between the DPRK and the ROK.

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联合调查团由14名韩方人员和10名美方专家组成。The joint mission by the ROK side of 14 and 10 U. S. experts.

此次会议将于5月29日至30日在韩国济州岛举行。The meeting is to be held on Jeju Island of the ROK from May 29 to 30.

首先,我没有听说所谓的“限韩令”。First and foremost, I have never heard about any restriction on the ROK.

今天,朝鲜、美国以及韩国代表团都提出了自己的方案。Today the DPRK, US and ROK delegations have put forward their proposals.

驻韩国大使张鑫森也到机场迎接。Chinese Ambassador to the ROK Zhang Xinsen also welcomed Hu at the airport.

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温总理还将参加第八届中、日、韩领导人会议。Wen will attend the eighth Chinese, Japanese and ROK leaders' Meeting, too.

2003年10月19日,国家主席胡锦涛会见了韩国总统卢武铉。On October 19, 2003, President Hu Jintao met with ROK President Roh Moo-hyun.

卢武铉宣布韩国承认中国的市场经济地位。Roh Moo-hyun declared that the ROK acknowledges China's market economy status.

我们理解韩国人民、尤其是遇难者家属的悲痛心情。We understand the sorrow of the ROK people, particularly the bereaved families.

第一,你对朝韩开城会晤有何评论?First, do you have any comment on the Kaesong meeting between the DPRK and the ROK?

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至于美国在韩国部署“萨德”反导系统问题,中方的立场是明确、一贯的。China holds a consistent and firm position on the US' deployment of THAAD in the ROK.

胡锦涛和卢武铉还共同会见了中韩媒体记者。Hu and Roh Moo-hyun also jointly met with journalists from the Chinese and ROK media.

如果不能的话,北韩就会面临美国、南韩和日本的策略调整。If not, North Korea faces a change of course by the United States, the ROK and Japan.