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靠的就是棉花On cotton.

这里有一张棉垫。Here's a cotton pad.

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有人怨棉花。Others blamed cotton.

是棉婚还是纸婚?。Is it cotton or paper?

那么,棉制的较佳。Then cotton is better.

他是个棉花种植场主。He is a cotton planter.

他把棉花染成红色。He crimsoned the cotton.

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布是由棉花加工成的。Cloth is made from cotton.

我的浴袍是棉制的。My robe is made of cotton.

你可以吃棉花糖。You can have cotton candy.

棉手套吸汗。Cotton gloves absorb sweat.

礼帽和棉花neckerchiefs。Hats & cotton neckerchiefs.

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他到各地推销棉织品。He travels in cotton goods.

她在一家棉纺厂工作。She works at a cotton mill.

这条棉制毛巾被很柔软。The cotton towel is softly.

她是一家棉纺厂工作。She worked in a cotton mill.

他们正在收购原棉。They are buying rude cotton.

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所有这些都是纯棉的。All of these are pure cotton.

棉花是易燃品。Cotton is easy to catch fire.

我们有丝绸的和棉质的。We have silk and cotton ones.