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这就是操作性条件反射。That's how operative conditioning works.

放松似乎是个很妥当的词。Relaxation seems to be the operative word.

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而我们的研究结果并不适用于手术过程。Our findings do not justify operative procedures".

当然这里提到的有效词语是“理论上”。Of course, the operative phrase here is "in theory.

一名特工将这一阴谋称之为“弥天大谎”。One operative referred to the scheme as “the big lie.

合作运动也还不能令人满意。The co- operative movement is not satisfactory either.

粘连的存在与否,并没有影响手术时间。The presence of adhesions did not change operative time.

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物理诊断学是一门操作性和实践性都很强的课程。Physical diagnostics is a highly operative and practical course.

目的观察马凡氏综合征心血管病变手术治疗效果。Objective To observe the operative outcomes of Marfan's syndrome.

手术通过单一前后入路完成。This was accomplished in a single anteroposterior operative pass.

单眼复视多为手术并发症所致。Monocular diplopia is mostly resulted from operative complication.

单眼复视多为手术并发症所致。Monocular diplopia is partly resulted from operative complication.

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请注千万不要说成是全关闭。The operative word to not use — please, please, please — is close.

目的探讨经额颞眶颧联合入路切除颅眶沟通肿瘤的优越性。Objective To study the operative approach for cranio- orbital tumor.

结果全部病例矫形满意。Results All patients have gained a satisfactory operative effciency.

结论乌司他丁具有一定的抗手术侵袭作用。Conclusion UTI plays a definite role in resisting operative invasion.

目的探讨小儿包茎手术较佳方式。Objective To evaluate the two operative approaches to manage phimosis.

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目的为了预防固体硅胶隆鼻术的并发症,提高隆鼻术的效果。Objective To prevent the complications and improve the operative results.

决议草案第17段以172票赞成、2票反对、1票弃权、获得保留。Operative paragraph 17 was retained by 172 votes to 2, with 1 abstention.

手术是治疗创伤性肝破裂的主要措施。Operative treatment is an important measure to traumatic rupture of liver.