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袋盖倾斜。Slanted pocket flaps.

旗在风中飘扬。A flag flaps in the wind.

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他听到了鸟振翅的声音。He heard flaps of the bird.

那面旗在风中飘扬。The flag flaps in the wind.

现在襟翼全部收缩进去了。Now the flaps were fully retracted.

它通常印在书本护封的勒口内。It is usually printed on the jacket flaps.

帐篷的布应紧紧系住。The tent flaps should is tightly fastened.

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当天早晨,我们遇到了两个小麻烦。We had two minor flaps early in the morning.

结果术后21例46块皮瓣全部存活。Results All 46 flaps of 21 patients survived.

折叠好一个包装箱,并用胶带封好箱底。Set up a box & secure bottom flaps with tape.

那阵阵长啸,是海鸥在展翅搏击。Uttering a cry, the sea gull flaps its wings.

他那满面笑容随着每次呼吸松弛地收放。His wide smile flaps loosely with each breath.

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当你使用紧急刹车来放襟翼。You use the emergency brake to drop the flaps.

我们听见帆拍击着船桅的声音。We heared the flaps of the sail against the mast.

自由皮瓣在头颈恶性肿瘤之应用。Application of Free Flaps in Head &Neck Malignancy.

此机器可以运行反向褶裥或粘箱皮瓣。The machine can run reverse tuck or glued carton flaps.

两型皮瓣术后应力—应变曲线左移、分散。The stress-strain curves shifted to left in both flaps.

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帽子上面两个可以护耳御寒的帽瓣。One of two flaps attached to a cap to keep the ears warm.

随着时间流逝,副翼在拍手者的膝盖上堆叠起来。With time elapsing, the flaps collapse on the clapper's lap.

我们试图将起落架放下和全襟翼进行放油。We are trying to dump our fuel with gear down and full flaps.