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比奶油糖果更深,有和黄金一样的色泽。Darker than butterscotch , but with the same golden tone.

在烤蛋糕时,我们可以做黄油硬糖汁。While the puddings are cooking, you can make the butterscotch sauce.

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核果和番石榴的芳香,与奶油糖果的果酸交织融合。Lifted stone fruit and guava aromas combine with butterscotch of malolactic.

口感上有着从橡木桶中成熟而带出的坚果和奶油糖果味。There are hints of butterscotch and roasted buts from the barrel maturation.

散发着奶油糖果,苹果以及柑橘的芳香。On the nose, butterscotch and apple aromas are dominant with hints of citrus.

现在饮用或发酵8-10年其怡人的甜蜜特性更能体现。Drink now or will develop lovely butterscotch characters for up to 8-10 years.

凯蒂将在门边用一个有雪花膏和奶油糖果味的吻迎接他。Katy would meet him at the door with a kiss flavoured with cold cream and butterscotch.

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BOLS奶油威士忌利口酒可以直饮或是加冰饮用,在鸡尾酒种的运用非常活跃。BOLS Butterscotch can drunk on its own or over ice, but it really comes alive in cocktails.

他们把加了奶油糖果的蛋糕、川味牛肉干和柚子果酱,放进盒子里打包。They pack boxes of butterscotch cupcakes, Sichuan-spiced beef jerky and grapefruit marmalade.

“你可以带一个回家吃,”柜台后的女服务生带着奶油般甜甜的微笑。"You can take one home, " says the woman behind the counter, with a smile as sweet as butterscotch.

你能想象詹姆斯·邦德点一杯巧克力奶油糖果马提尼,或一杯苹果马提尼、柠檬马提尼、又或者是仙人掌果马提尼的情景吗?asking for a chocolate butterscotch martini, or an apple martini, lemon drop martini or prickly pear martini?

他盯着我的眼睛,我能看到他的眼睛是多么的通亮,比我之前看到的都要通亮,就像金黄色的奶油糖果一样。He stared into my eyes, and I saw how light his eyes were, lighter than I'd ever seen them, golden butterscotch.

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有相当完整的橡木、雪松和奶油糖果味,令味觉更可口、更持久。The well-integrated oak, adds savoury nuances of cedar and butterscotch to the palate and a toasty persistent length.

诱人的酒香,透着成熟桃子、苹果和其他热带水果气息,也带有一丝香草和奶糖风味。Inviting aromas of ripe peaches, apple and other tropical notes are followed by a slight scent of vanilla and butterscotch.

我费劲心思装饰这个蛋糕——甘草做的水管,薄荷糖做的车轮,奶糖做的车灯,格子样的脆饼干做成的梯子。I decorated the cake with care — licorice hoses, peppermint wheels, butterscotch headlights and a lattice of thin pretzels for ladders.

你能想像詹姆斯·邦德点一杯巧克力奶油糖果马提尼,或一杯苹果马提尼、柠檬马提尼、又或者是仙人掌果马提尼的情景吗?Can you imagine James Bond asking for a chocolate butterscotch martini, or an apple martini, lemon drop martini or prickly pear martini?

酿成后的霞多丽果味优雅,香味带有蜜汁,油桃和奶油糖的口味,并略带一丝辛辣,收口悠长。The finished wine display spice laced Chardonnay fruit aromas of honeydew, figs and nectarine with butterscotch and a long creamy finish.

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漂亮的红宝石色泽,优雅的香味中带有巧克力、雪茄盒、咖啡、草莓和奶油糖果的混合味道。Beautiful and intense ruby red color, it has a very elegant aroma with notes of chocolate, cigar box, coffee, and also vanilla and butterscotch.

BOLS奶油威士忌是一款真正具有奶油焦糖味,美味的金黄色酒,基本由盐水太妃糖和香料配制而成。BOLS Butterscotch is a delicious golden coloured liqueur with the real flavour of butterscotch caramel, underpinned by elements of saltwater taffy and spices.

辛迪?麦凯恩则选择了燕麦黄油甜曲奇参赛。今年早些时候,辛迪因剽窃“食品网”上的一个西番莲慕斯配方而公开道歉。Cindy McCain, who earlier this year had to apologize for plagiarizing a recipe for passion fruit mousse from Food Network, went for oatmeal butterscotch cookies.