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团结者缘何变成了分裂者?How did the uniter become a divider?

泻湖这个“分水岭”是由砂质物构成的。This lagoon "divider" consist of sand.

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个人,14路全长分频系统。Individual, 14-way full-length divider system.

因此,精英制度是一种社会分界线。Meritocracy, therefore, is a kind a social divider.

移开方盒并挪离隔板。哇!Move the square box and push aside the divider. Wow!

帘子作为分隔物将这间教室和另一间分开。A curtain acted as a divider between this class and another.

规则是每一个月都要有一个太阳位置的隔分线。The rule begin with every month must have one of the divider.

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柔软的褶皱布料遮盖着整墙的窗,同样材质帘也被用来分隔另一个房间。Soft drapery covers the windows and is used as a room divider.

这是我用分隔板划分区域的提示。Here are my tips for sectioning off an area with a room divider.

完成这个的最好办法是用一个空间分隔器或者屏风。The best way to accomplish this is with a room divider or screen.

作为应用,讨论了功分器的传输极限。As an application, the transport limitation of power divider is discussed.

防水内衬分中心和后墙的拉链口袋。Waterproof interior lining with a center divider and back wall zip pocket.

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此标志安装在没有中央隔离带的多车道高速公路上。This sign is installed on multi-lane highways with no centre median divider.

每一组建立一个输出为3。3伏特的分压器,测量输出电压。Each team builds a voltage divider with nom. 3. 3 V output, and measure Vout.

在这36年里,罗伊诉韦德案也将麦考维的人生一分为二。For 36 years, Roe v Wade has also been the great divider for McCorvey personally.

提供一种具有双模分频器的相位切换双模除频器。A phase-switching dual modulus prescaler having a dual modulus divider is provided.

该电源包括直流电源、高压分压器、和火花间隙开关。The power contains the DC power supply, high voltage divider and spark gap switching.

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介绍了一种相位开关型分频器电路的噪声分析方法。This paper describes a noise analysis method for a phase switching frequency divider.

使用这些厚隔片的模具,请确保这些隔板的底部都铺上了冷冻纸。With the slab divider mold, be sure to line the bottom of the mold with freezer paper.

设计了一个高频低功耗的注入锁定二分频器。A high frequency low power divide-by-2 Injection-Locked Frequency Divider is presented.