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孩子做营养快餐"Kids make nutritious snacks."

新鲜蔬菜富于营养。Fresh vegetables are very nutritious.

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一只大鸟偷走了他的营养午餐。A big bird stole his nutritious lunch.

塑料袋可没有营养价值!Plastic bags have no nutritious value!

比萨本身其实含有营养,而且管饱。Pizza is inherently nutritious and filling.

读书带给我们有营养的精神食粮。Reading brings us nutritious spiritual food.

因为我知道这营养又美味。I knew it was nutritious and it was delicious.

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比起米饭,泡面较不营养。Instant noodles are less nutritious than rice.

那你为什么不多吃一点有营养的早餐呢?Why don't you eat a more nutritious breakfast?

一只大鸟偷走了他们的营养午餐。A very large bird stole their nutritious lunch.

浆果有营养并且有一种带甜味的口味。The berry is nutritious and has a sweetish taste.

好一份适合女王享用而诱人的营养早餐。An attractive, nutritious breakfast fit for a queen.

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可以吃点小米粥哦,这个很有营养的呢。Can eat millet gruel Oh, so this is very nutritious.

全麦面包比白面包要更有营养。Wholemeal bread is more nutritious than white bread.

你是否养成购买营养食品的习惯?Have you built the habit of consuming nutritious food?

柿子不仅味道鲜美,而且营养丰富。Persimmon fruit is not only delicious, and nutritious.

进食营养丰富的食品,同时少吃含脂肪量高的食品。Third, eat nutritious food, and eating foods high in fat.

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看见它,我就会想起那个最有营养的荷包蛋!Saw it, I would think that the most nutritious fried egg !

香蕉营养丰富,称它为绝美小吃也不为过。Bananas are nutritious so they're the perfect no-fuss snack.

至于婴儿,我们提供牛奶、水果和营养饼干。For infants, we provided milk, fruit and nutritious biscuits.