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对本质的内在存在加以这样的规定,就是根据。The immanence of essence thus defined is the Ground.

一个中央的想法,自由神学是神的内在。A central idea of liberal theology is divine immanence.

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面对无所不在的香港狗仔队,全智贤除了澄清,还有什么办法?Facing the immanence HK reporters, what can she do without clarify?

美兼具外在美与内在美的双重特性。Beauty has double characteristics both in appearance and in immanence.

因此,意向性还原性的指向了所有外在性的内在。Intentionality thus points reductively to the immanence of all exteriority.

小说的叙述特点有不确定性和片断化,并与内在性相联系。Its narration is characterized by indeterminacy and fragmentation, combining with immanence.

这三个机制是官员对制度内在缺陷的适应。The three mechanisms are adapted by officials for the immanence limitation of present system.

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这种装扮是完美的透明外壳,他透过这个外壳认识了神无处不在的荣耀。And this garb was a perfectly transparent sheath, through which he recognized the glory of the Divine Immanence.

可是我理解这个世界,是以一种感觉,这种感觉似乎关心到我看到我自己看到我自己这个命题的内在性。And yet I apprehend the world in a perception that seems to concern the immanence of the I see myself seeing myself.

泛神论要么静音或拒绝圣经教学的超越上帝,赞成他的激进的内在。Pantheism either mutes or rejects the biblical teaching of the transcendence of God in favor of his radical immanence.

是你用内在而广博的力量拥抱我们,是你为我们提供了业余生活,是你木蚂蚁。It is you that embrace us with an immanence and omnipotent power, and it is you that set a posthouse for all ants here.

只有在西方这个“他者”镜像的比照下,中国美学方能获得自身的最初的内在定性。Only when it is put before the mirror of the West as Other, can the Chinese aesthetics obtain its own original immanence.

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还获得了锥形涡的演化、强度和位置与建筑物表面压力分布的内在联系。Also it gets the immanence relation of the space evolvement, intensity and positions of the conical vortices on the flat roof.

虽然大部分民主派企图进行到一个核心的基督教教义,一些没有进行其内在的逻辑结束,这是泛神论。Although most liberals attempt to hold on to a core of Christian doctrine, some did carry immanence to its logical end, which is pantheism.

在已经到来的全球化背景下,人类社会的既定规范遭遇严重冲击,具有深厚底蕴的中国文化面临前所未有的挑战。The fixed conventions and norms are under great impact with the immanence of globalization, so is the Chinese culture with a deep foundation.

它,而且能够避免所有归责的一元论,并以何种方式重新构思的内在协调好与天主教教学。It , moreover, avoids all imputation of monism, and the manner in which it conceives of immanence harmonizes excellently with Catholic teaching.

两者的紧密结合对创造具有中国文化内涵的室内环境具有十分重要的意义。Moreover, the close combination of the two has significant meanings to the creation of the interior surroundings with Chinese culture immanence.

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概念的内涵是在现今社会的一个中心周围的战斗正在争取与天主教宗教和一元论。The notion of immanence is at the present day one of the centres around which the battle is being fought between the Catholic religion and monism.

其二,由于儒学不具有一般宗教之形式,且它所强调的是“天道”、“超越而内在”等,故其为一种特殊的宗教。Secondly, because Confucianism does not have the general form of religion, and it emphasizes "transcendence and immanence" and so on, thus it is a special religion.

通过对现代职业装的内涵、外延的分析,就产品的设计开发到管理运营模式等方面进行了探讨。This essay inquires questions by analyzing immanence and externalism of modern uniform. And researches on product designing development, management, and running style.