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当我醒来,相思和困惑围绕在我心头。I woke up lovesick and confused.

我表现的像一个受爱情折磨的傻子。I'm acting like a lovesick fool.

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害相思吗?你可能真的病了!Lovesick? You Might Really Be Sick!

夏天,我的节奏害了相思病。Summertime, my rhymes were so lovesick.

开心时我们笑着,郁郁时我们静想安宁。Happy when we laugh lovesick we want peace static.

一片片相思情意,我想把它献给你。Pieces of lovesick affection I want to present to you.

换句话说,不要让大家看到你害了相思病。In other words, do not let everyone see how lovesick you are.

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每年圣瓦伦丁节,患相思病的英国人都表现出色。The lovesick St. British Excel themselves each Valentine's Day.

当她醒来后,心害相思,日渐憔悴。When she wakes up, she becomes lovesick and pines for her love.

第二最好不相知,如此便可不相思。The second, the one you should not known well,so then you may not lovesick.

求你们给我葡萄乾增补我力、给我苹果畅快我心.因我思爱成病。Sustain me with raisin cakes, Refresh me with apples, Because I am lovesick.

之后,伟晋向春光提供了意见,令她成功安抚为情所困的囚犯。Later, wei jin to spring provides advice, made her success to placate lovesick prisoners.

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“她只是一个年轻人,犯了一个年轻人会犯的小错误,”布鲁斯律师说,“很显然,他已经意识到自己的错误了。”“He’s simply a lovesick young man who made a mistake, ” Mr. Bruce said. “Obviously, he regrets that mistake.”

你还记得做15吗?嗯,泰勒·斯威夫特做了,她教给我们关于男孩单相似的重要一课。Do you remember being 15? Well, T-Swift does, and she has an important lesson to teach our lovesick selves about boys.

想你,相框中你柔情的微笑,好似一樽纯酒,让我夜夜醉倒在无限的相思里。I miss you, your sentimental smile in the frame is like a glass of wine, which makes me drank in the endless lovesick every night.

通过识别当恋爱时大脑哪些部位受到刺激,医生和理疗师可以更好的了解害相思病的病人的痛苦。By identifying the parts of the brain stimulated by love, doctors and therapists can better understand the pains of lovesick patients.

我在别的帖子中提到过,我其实挺喜欢因爱所惑的魔术师战人。但我还是想看莱特狠狠揍他一顿。As I've noted in another thread, I actually really like lovesick sorcerer Battler. But I still want Wright to kick the living shit out of him.

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在古代文学学术界,“闺怨诗”和“思妇诗”这两个概念经常出现,很多学者出现了错用、滥用现象。In the ancient academic circle, "boudoir-plaint poetry" and "lovesick woman poetry" were often seen, but there were misuse of these two concepts.

害相思病的英国人,每次情人节都会花大量金钱在报纸上买一个空间给自己单恋的情人写满爱的信息。The lovesick British excel themselves each Valentine's Day by buying up huge spaces in newspapers to fill with messages for a Very Special Person.

在前三部中罗琳给出了一些转移我们注意力的文字,暗示金妮是一个害羞的小姑娘、患相思病的少女或是容易受骗的牺牲品。In the first three novels Rowling throws us some red herrings which suggest Ginny is a shrinking violet, a lovesick teenager or an easily duped victim.