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我们扩大并扩展着。We enlarge and expand.

金属遇热就要膨胀。Metals expand with heat.

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扩大你的舒适区。Expand your comfort zone.

扩展所有的冲突。Expand all of the conflicts.

你能解释下有什么新的东西么?Can you expand on what's new?

大多数金属受热膨胀。Most metals expand with heat.

那些奉承使她心花怒放。The flattery made her expand.

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Dabur希望在非洲扩张。Dabur wants to expand in Africa.

然后,扩大你的工作圈。Then, expand the circle to work.

展开新创建的项目。Expand the newly-created project.

这样你可以对它泰勒展开。So then you can Taylor expand it.

我稍后再详细讲。I will expand on this in a minute.

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他们希望扩大公司的规模。They hope to expand their company.

金属受了热就会膨胀。Metals expand when they are heated.

气体受热会膨胀。When gases are heated, they expand.

现在我们应该把这个式子展开。And, well, now we should expand this.

齐塔人能否对这个反应详细描述?Can the Zetas expand on the reaction?

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我们的扩张计划泡汤了。Our plans to expand weren't realized.

向你自己呼唤爱并扩展。Call the love unto oneself and expand.