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你能让维迪奇内牛满面吗?Could you ever make Vida cry?

在你的生涯外有特殊的己吗?Hay alguien especial en tu vida?

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嘿,杰克,你认识维达吗?。Hey, Jack, you know Vida Warren?

她选择了玛格丽特来写她的故事。Vida chooses Margaret to tell her story.

我敢用自己的脑袋来打赌,这一定是你的那个维达·舍温说的。I'll bet a hat. It was your Vida Sherwin who said that.

“我们对结果很失望,”维迪奇告诉曼联电视。"We're disappointed with this result, " Vida told MUTV.

你把你的马留在维达的库房,对吧?。You parking your horse in Vida Warren's closet, pardner?

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过去维达总是认为,雷米埃是一个戴眼镜的身材瘦削的人。Vida had once beheld Raymie as a thin man with spectacles.

费迪南德和维迪奇都伤了,所以现在还不好说。Both Rio and Vida are injured so there's no decision to make.

另一个人物叫维达-温特,她是英格兰最著名的隐居女作家,她的生命即将终结。Another character, Vida Winter, is England's most famous reclusive writer, whose life story is coming to an end.

来之前维达就告诉我们曼联是个多好的地方,但我和亚当早就知道曼联有多厉害。Vida told us what a great place United was before we joined, but both Adem and I knew what an amazing club it was.

在过去的十年中,在相同的空间,VIDA已经收集了大量的跨学科项目,作为对这一课题的对应。Over the last decade, in the same formal space, VIDA has been bringing together inter-disciplinary projects that respond to this situation.

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维迪奇说戴着袖标是一种巨大的荣誉,但他认为现在的球队并不缺乏领袖人物。Vida says wearing the armband is a great honour, but believes the current side are blessed with a host of players with leadership qualities.

这一反常行为,引起了墨西哥科米特临维达一家罗马天主教堂非神职人员组织的疑心并对疫苗样本进行了检测。Because of that curious anomaly, Comite Pro Vida de Mexico, a Roman Catholic lay organization became suspicious and had vaccine samples tested.

现在你可以说我们这几年第一次有了主力右后卫,那就是拉斐尔。加上费迪南德、维迪奇和埃弗拉,我们的球员水平很高。Now you can say we've got a first-choice back four for the first time in a few years with Rafael, Rio, Vida and Patrice, who are all quality players.

我相信维迪奇可以在国家队比赛之后归队,但费迪南德还没有恢复训练,如果走运的话希望他本赛季还有戏。I'm sure Vida will be back after the international break, but Rio hasn't started training yet and we'll be lucky to maybe get him back for part of the season.

维达没什么明显的弱点,但帕里斯特认为在OT任何人也不能自满——竞争先发位置充满艰辛,一直如此。Vida may not have any obvious weaknesses, but Pallister stresses players at Old Trafford can never afford to become complacent – the battle for starting berths is as fierce as it has ever been.