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还有个天文馆。They have a planetarium.

对空海登天文馆圆顶内。The inside of the empty Hayden Planetarium dome.

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阿德勒天文馆总裁保罗Knappenberger。The president of Adler Planetarium is Paul Knappenberger.

星星的运动可在天文馆里模拟。The motions of the stars can be approximated in a planetarium.

平屋顶里面是可以上下移动的天文馆圆顶。Its flat roof is broken only by the shallow dome of a planetarium beneath.

天花板属于天象仪风格,黑色的天穹上点缀着星座。The ceiling was done up planetarium style--a black sky with star constellations.

柬埔寨人通过他们的高中实际上可以控制海登天文馆。And the Cambodians have actually controlled the Hayden Planetarium from their high school.

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谢尔顿,这位是尼尔·德格拉斯·泰森,纽约海登天文馆馆长。Uh, Sheldon, I want you to meet Neil DeGrasse Tyson from the Hayden Planetarium in New York.

而在约翰内斯堡,人们聚集在金山天文馆享受清楚的月食景观。And in Johannesburg, people gathered at the Witwatersrand Planetarium to enjoy the clear view.

由四栋房屋所构成的这座综合建筑将包括一个图书馆、一…The four -building complex will include a library , a museum , an auditorium and a planetarium.

这座城市有高尔夫社区、医疗费设施、购物中心、餐馆和邻近的天文馆。The town has golf communities, medical facilities, shopping centers, restaurants, and a nearby planetarium.

随着数字宇宙,埃马尔特和海登天文馆可以考虑到星际空间飞行任务观众深。With Digital Universe, Emmart and the Hayden Planetarium can take viewers deep into space on interstellar missions.

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而在芝加哥阿德勒天文馆,游客可以了解外太空的知识,而在谢德水族馆,你又可以了解水下生物。People can learn about outer space at Chicago's Adler Planetarium and about life under the sea at the Shedd Aquarium.

为了考证这个想法,关闭在笼子里夜晚转移的鸟类被放置在天文馆的地板上,当在它们转移的时期。To test the idea, cagednight-migrating chooks were plexpertd on the floor of a planetarium during their migratory period.

把你的房间变成真正的星空天文馆,数以百计的闪烁星星、星座投射在你的墙壁和天花板上。Turn your room into a planetarium with hundreds of twinkling stars and constellations projected onto your walls and ceiling.

本文总结了过去天象仪上所用各种分划板的加工工艺的主要缺点,提出了新的加工方法。Main disadvantages of the technology of making various graticules used for planetarium are summarized. A new method is given.

但首先,我们在芝加哥阿德勒天文馆,博物馆官员履行俄罗斯前宇航员尤里加加林。But first, we go to the Adler Planetarium in Chicago where museum officials are honoring Russia's former cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.

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俄罗斯官员在莫斯科加加林雕塑捐赠到芝加哥,这将成为一个永久展览在阿德勒天文馆。Russian officials in Moscow donated the Gagarin sculpture to Chicago. It will become a permanent exhibit at the Adler Planetarium.

3月15日,美国自然历史博物馆的海顿星象馆举行了一场有关载人航天飞行前景的讨论会。The American Museum of Natural History’s Hayden Planetarium hosted a discussion of the future of manned space flight on March 15th.

2004年,20幅星云美术作品应邀参加北京天文馆新馆落成典礼暨首届中国太空美术作品展览。In 2004, 20 of his nebular art paintings were shown at the 1st "Chinese Outer Space Art Exhibition" for Beijing Planetarium opening ceremony.