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他们总是为一些小事而争吵。They always spar over trivial matters.

从船首伸出来的圆材。A spar projecting from the bow of a vessel.

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在比利时,一场足球比赛衍发成骚乱。In Belgium, groups spar red after a soccer game.

这是当时超过了与3晶石薄外套。It was then topped off with 3 thin coats of spar.

可供这种环移动的绳子、竿子或圆材。The rope, rod, or spar on which such a ring moves.

对角地穿过纵向船帆的轻质圆材。A light spar that crosses a fore-and-aft sail diagonal ly.

厢房的一个碳桅杆一个碳包线做一个铸壁。A carbon spar of the wing has a wall made of a carbon braid.

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机翼大梁上的两个位置的螺栓使用了单一AN3螺栓。They bolt to the wing spar in two places using a single AN3 bolt.

位移函数设置使得杆件内部的应力均匀变化。The displacement shape function implies a uniform stress in the spar.

展示了复合材料绞链和前梁的焊接。The joining of a composite hinge and front spar will be demonstrated.

在机翼内部,主梁之后是两个55L的燃油箱。Inside the wings, boxed behind the main spar are the two 55lt fuel tanks.

从研究冰洲石材料的几何关系出发推导了一套公式。A set of formulas are deduced form the geometrical relationship of iceland spar.

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他和他的同事们一直在试验一种叫做冰洲石的矿物。He and his colleagues have been experimenting with a mineral called Iceland spar.

每个表面板材从前梁的前面延伸到后梁的后面。Each of the wing panels extends forward of the front spar and aft of the rear spar.

因此,净化的天然气田附近,和其他晶石净化。Therefore, to purify the vicinity of the gas field, and purification of other spar.

对冰洲石120℃热释光峰的基本特性进行初步研究。The basic characteristic of 120 ℃ thermoluminescence peak of iceland spar was studied.

我们可以很方便地以方解石或冰洲石晶体来进行研究。We can be conveniently studied with reference to a crystal of calcite or iceland spar.

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从船尾桅杆伸出支撑船头四方形的船帆的圆材。A spar rising aft from a mast to support the head of a quadrilateral fore-and-aft sail.

与日晷桥一样,女人桥采用的也是斜拉桥设计方案。The Puente de la Mujer, like the Sundial Bridge, is a cantilever spar cable-stayed design.

品红色的暮光降临到加拿大曼尼托巴省的丘吉尔小镇,两只北极熊正在雪中打闹。Two polar bears spar in the snow as a magenta sunset descends over Churchill, Manitoba, Canada.