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柳枝稷是一种生长快速的多年生本地草种。Switchgrass is a perennial native grass that grows quickly.

柳枝稷将是用于气体发生器中的生物量原料。Switchgrass will be the biomass feedstock fed into the gasifier.

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说来奇特而又普通,就只是一根随手折下来的柳枝。And strange to say the ordinary, just pick a fold down switchgrass.

柳枝吐出如烟的思绪,擎住蔚蓝色的梦境。Switchgrass cigarettes out of the thoughts, the blue engine to live a dream.

舂天,万物复苏,岸边的小草和柳枝都伸了个懒腰,缓缓的探出头来。Chung day, all things recovery, shore, grass, and switchgrass are, slowly poking.

重点关注了玉米,甘蔗,细叶芒,柳枝稷和北美草原的当地植物。They focused on corn, sugar cane, Miscanthus, switchgrass and native prairie grasses.

奥德姆称,壳牌公司正在使用海藻、柳枝稷等非粮食作物研发新的生物燃料。Odum said Shell is focusing on biofuels from non-food sources like algae or switchgrass.

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针对这种类型的生物能,早在20世纪80年代开始圣地亚哥大学的研究员们就制定柳枝稷再生计划。Researchers at SDSU have had a switchgrass breeding program for this type of bioenergy since the 1980s.

美国确实曾空泛地承诺过用柳枝稷制造燃料或发展氢动力汽车,但这些承诺的实现却遥遥无期。Oh, there are vague promises of manufacturing fuel from switchgrass or powering cars with hydrogen—someday.

周一这家公司宣布利用柳枝稷的叶片生产了“数量巨大”的生物塑料产品。The company on Monday said that it has has created "significant amounts" of its bioplastic by growing it in the leaves of switchgrass.

美国、加拿大、中南美和部分非洲,发现一种长势很快、被称作柳枝稷的草。A fast-growing grass known as switchgrass can be found around the United States, Canada, Central and South America, and parts of Africa.

最后他们说,未来的乙醇供应将源自于那些不受坏天气影响的原材料,比如柳穗或者木屑。Finally, they say that future ethanol supplies will be derived from materials like switchgrass or wood chips that are resistant to bad weather.

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通过在黄土高原半干旱地区种植柳枝稷,构建生物量与土壤水分的动力学关系模型。The dynamic relationship between the biomass of switchgrass and the soil water content in arid and semiarid area was investigated in this paper.

不像一年生的玉米,多年生的草本植物如柳枝稷和细叶芒可以增加土壤中的碳储量。Unlike corn, which must be replanted every year, perennial grasses such as switchgrass and Miscanthus preserve and increase carbon stores in the soil.

按公司所说,利用植物生产塑料可以使柳枝稷在生产生物塑料的同时利用残余的生物量生产能量。Growing the plastic in a plant will allow for the switchgrass to produce both bioplastics and use residual biomass for energy, according to the company.

其实,康奈尔大学的另一名研究人员克里•罗伯茨在会议上发言说,把所有因素都考虑在内,为生产生物炭而种植柳枝稷弊多利少。Indeed, Kelli Roberts, another researcher at Cornell, told the meeting that, taking all factors into account, growing switchgrass for biochar may do more harm than good.

随着美国产的乙醇燃料的需求的增加,新技术用植物废料制造出高质量的乙醇成为可能,包括木屑,水藻。As demand for American-produced ethanol increases, new production techniques are making it possible to produce high quality fuel from biomass including wood chips, switchgrass and even algae.

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另一方面,像柳枝稷和芒草这些多年生的有更强大的根系,而且是必要的,因为这些植物一年中的部分时间要休眠,而随后的生长则以来其根系提供。On the other hand, perennials like switchgrass and Miscanthus have more extensive root systems—necessary because they remain dormant for part of the year and then must grow up again from their roots.