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打包带设备。Packing Belt.

打包带机。Packing belt machine.

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我们正在收拾手提箱。We're packing our suitcases.

古盐是最好的包装。Ancient salt is best packing.

有一个箱子全压坏了。One packing case was crushed.

我不喜欢忙乱地整理行装。I hate all this fussy packing.

于是,他开始整理行装。Then he set about his packing.

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我要最经济的包装。I want most economical packing.

装箱单,三份原件。Packing list in three originals.

价格中包括包装费。Packing is included in the price.

那个化妆包里装的都是毒品!That bag packing of the drug are!

但是不要整理行装。But don't start packing your bags.

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压盖填料压得太紧。Gland packing pressed too tightly.

人们宁愿用大箱女包拆。We prefer packing in smaller cases.

布包包装,包装完好。Packed in Gunny Bales. Packing Sound.

适用全部包装流水线喷刻字码要求。Apply all packing line moment demands.

包装时不小心碰伤了水果。Bruised the fruit by careless packing.

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填料和垫圈是不含石棉的材料。Packing and gaskets to be non-asbestos.

谁在打包你的灵魂降落伞?Who Is Packing Our Spiritual Parachute?

负责取货-包装-发货工作。Duties for Picking – Packing – Shipment.