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我不能带她的茶水了!I can not strip her panty off!

答案是我的内裤呢?The answer is where is my panty ?

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每个人都为其他人买一件女裤。Everyone buys a panty for someone else.

裤子要称身,然而不要看得见线头。Pants should be fitted, but free of visible panty lines.

你可以通过清理你的食品柜和冰箱来做到这一点。You can do that by cleaning out your panty and refrigerator.

可问题是万一那个内衣癖狂再来怎么办?But the real problem is what if the panty fetishist comes back.

尔切勿加入去修道院偷修女内裤的劫掠。Thou shalt not go on panty raids into Sister of Battle monasteries.

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在女性内衣中,最受欢迎的可能要数比基尼了。The most popular pantie silhouette in women's underwear is the bikini panty.

手感柔软的条纹女式内裤。蕾丝边的设计使其更加性感甜蜜。Super soft striped panty with the lace tape finish for a sexy and sweet feel.

不透明,塑身的内裤效仿胸衣的样式,且一直延伸到胸部以下。The opaque, shaping panty imitates a corsage and extends as far as just under the bust.

退房在时装设计插图内裤线实际例子,包括行。Check out panty line examples in fashion design illustrations to include realistic lines.

你甚至可以看到枕头后面模仿真人内裤的痕迹,以及大腿部位的裙子皱褶。You can even see the panty lines on the pillow's "backside" and wrinkles in the lap of the skirt.

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对腿部非常好。从短裤到足尖均无加强。极度柔软的腰带。Perfect foundation for your legs. Not reinforced from the panty to the toe. Extremely soft waist band.

影片中她翘二郎腿的镜头为她带来了她渴望的名声,但是打那以后这个镜头也时常萦绕在她心里。Her panty -less leg-crossing scene brought Stone much-needed notoriety, but has haunted her ever since.

在游泳的时候穿上女式长袜能避免你的腿部被袭击。Wearing panty hose while swimming is also a good prevention measure since it can prevent jellies from being able to harm your legs.

在下面我还穿了一条橡胶质地的束腹,这可以保持束衣的清洁,我告诉学校的女孩们妈妈让我这样穿是为了让我保住贞洁。I wore a rubber panty girdle underneath, which kept it cleaner and told the girls at school that my Mum made me wear all this to keep me chaste.

支撑紧身衣,在腿部有温和的缩紧功能,塑身内裤可缩紧腹部。不透明塑身内裤设计有迷人的蕾丝。Support tights with a gentle compression function in the leg and shaping panty for the Tummy area. The opaque, shaping panty has an attractive lace design.

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内衣是为了搭配外衣的,他们两者必须很好的协调好,所以如果她有一个特别喜爱的颜色,而这颜色又是她最爱穿着的,何不买一个同色系的文胸和短裤呢?Underwear needs to go with outerwear, and they have to work well together. So if she has a particular colour that she loves to wear, why not buy her a bra and panty set in the same shade?

内裤吻——当你深情地亲吻你的伴侣时,慢慢地移去她的内衣边缘,深深地舔吻她的内衣线,点燃她的激情,让她沉浸在热情的世界中。Panty Kiss – When you are passionately kissing your partner, slowly remove the side of her underwear and deeply lick and kiss her panty line making her get aroused and lost in a world of passion.