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达斯·摩尔砍死了她。Darth Maul cut her down.

我的意思是,达斯·摩尔已经被砍成两截了。I mean Darth Maul got cut in half.

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他学泥水匠这一行。A maul used by masons in fitting stones.

当他们失败后,西迪厄斯派出达斯·摩尔。When they failed, Sidious dispatched Darth Maul.

达斯摩尔是隶属于西斯和达斯西迪厄斯有关。Darth Maul and Darth Sidious is part of the relevant.

野蛮暴怒不再影响熊的槌击和扫击。Savage Fury" no longer applies to " Maul" or "Swipe".

裂伤不再增加重殴和撕碎的伤害。Mangle doesn't increase the damage of Maul and Shred anymore.

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在最终定稿前,达斯·摩尔的设计多次推翻重作。The development of Darth Maul went through many iterations before the final design.

当两位绝地被分开时,摩尔以一记恰到好处的光剑攻击刺死了奎-冈。When the Jedi became separated, Maul killed Qui-Gon with a well-placed saber strike.

数十年前,达斯·摩尔潜入黑日内部,杀死了当时的首领亚历克西·加林。Decades earlier, Darth Maul infiltrated Black Sun and killed its then-leader Alexi Garyn.

克诺比无助地望着摩尔杀死奎-冈,轮到他有机会出手时,再猛冲上去腰斩了这个西斯尊主。Kenobi watched helplessly as Maul killed Qui-Gon, and he rushed to kill the Sith Lord in turn.

相反,它是非常少见的大众化为方不拥有取得了显着进展。By contrast it is very rare in the maul for the side not in possession to gain significant ground.

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摩尔扩大优势,逐渐破坏奎-冈的防守,最终杀死了这位绝地大师。Maul pressed his advantage, wearing down Qui-Gon's defenses and ultimately killing the Jedi Master.

自从你第一次以西斯尊主达斯·摩尔的身份出现在银幕上之后,这十年里你的生活有了怎样的改变?How has your life changed in the ten years since you first appeared onscreen as Sith Lord Darth Maul?

麦谷是影迷俱乐部的领导人,他打扮成黑武士达斯魔。Miguel Campos is the leader of the fan club and he is dressed as his character of choice, Darth Maul.

纯粹邪恶的生物,达斯。魔没有个人因素逾越他对师父,达斯。西帝的忠诚。A creature of pure evil, Maul had no personality beyond his ultimate devotion to his master, Darth Sidious.

曾经是一位艾里多尼亚的萨巴克人,魔在他接受西斯之名时,抛弃了所有和他过去身分的痕迹。Once a Zabrak from Iridonia, Maul abandoned all trace of his former identity when he took on his Sith name.

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摩尔的EU也提到与伊里多尼亚的联系,虽然这一集揭示出摩尔在达索米尔长大。Maul's EU connections to Iridonia are also mentioned, though the episode reveals Maul was raised on Dathomir.

科思的种族被设定为扎布拉克人,跟致命的达斯·摩尔同出一族。Koth's species has been established as a Zabrak, making him of the same alien species as the deadly Darth Maul.

摩尔奉达斯·西迪厄斯之命追踪女王,他通过神秘而有效的手段完成了这项壮举。Maul was dispatched by Darth Sidious to track down the Queen, a feat he accomplished through mysterious yet effective means.