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什么是炭疽热?What is anthrax?

什么是炭疽热?Is anthrax contagious?

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炭疽热会传染吗?Is anthrax contagious?

炭疽菌伽玛将让我们更强大一点。The Anthrax Gamma might make us a little stronger.

这是我们从炭疽菌袭击中得出的令人沮丧的教训之一。That is the one of the sad lessons of the anthrax attacks.

很快病人就表现出了比炭疽热更糟糕的病情。The patient begins to develop symptoms that go beyond anthrax.

炭疽细菌或孢子最小粒径可达1微米。An anthrax bacteria or spore might have a minimum size of one micron.

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如果你很怪,人家可能称你「神学士」或问你是否感染炭疽热。If you're weird, people might call you 'Taliban' or ask if you have anthrax.

恐怖分子把投放了炭疽病病毒的邮件寄往了各地。Terrorists sent letters around the world with the anthrax virus in the envelopes.

我们正在做10美元的显微镜,我们周围的讨论主题是关于炭疽武器化。We're making 0 microscopes and the discussion around us is about weaponized anthrax.

如果吸入炭疽热细菌,其孢子会在生物体内迅速增生,生物体将在1天至60天内被感染。If inhaled, anthrax spores can germinate and lead to infection within one to 60 days.

这项工作也可用于防治炭疽工程菌和鼠疫。The work may also be important for combating engineered strains of anthrax and plague.

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血液内大量繁殖的细菌通常是炭疽病致死的主因。Extensive replication in the blood is generally what kills patients who succumb to anthrax.

医疗部门也在收集用于治疗炭疽热的抗菌素。Medical authorities are also stocking up on antibiotics20 that can be used to treat anthrax.

12月1日,该患者作为炭疽病毒疑似病例住入汗乌拉区卫生院。December 1, the patient as a suspected case of anthrax admitted to area hospitals Khan Siniora.

未来的事,大家都知道,我们有一个在伊拉克战争,以消除他们都不存在库存的炭疽菌。Next thing you know, we have a war in Iraq to eliminate their none existent stockpiles of anthrax.

美国炭疽芽孢恐怖事件的发生引起了全球的广泛关注。Bio_terrorism has never attracted so much attention around the world before anthrax spore attack in U.

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炭疽病是五大人畜共患病之一,对畜牧业及人类健康的危害很大。Anthrax is one of the five supremacies zoonosis and is a great harm to stock farming and human's health.

科学家们搜集了炭疽杆菌和埃博拉病毒方面的研究论文,并同样搜集了克雷柏氏杆菌方面的文章作为对照。They checked out work with anthrax bacteria, the ebola virus, along with a control, Klebsiella bacteria.

在加州,一封寄到索尼公司的信也携带炭疽病毒。In California, a letter sent to Sony Pictures Entertainment in Culver City tested positive Friday for anthrax.