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我希望我们能以平常心对待这样的时刻。I want to experience these moments with normalcy and satisfaction.

"常态不能导致自满,"奥巴马在华尔街中心的联邦大厅说."Normalcy cannot lead to complacency," he said at Federal Hall in the heart of Wall Street.

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如果你最近正受此影响,你的第一个目标应该是干燥和恢复常态。And if you’ve been affected recently, your first goal should be to dry out and restore normalcy.

我们正在寻找着质询和挑战性别及种族现行规则的作品。We are looking for works which question and challenge rules of normalcy regarding gender and ethnicity.

而我也绝不会用哪怕一点点这些美好,这些震撼的强大的美好,去换来所谓的“正常”。I would not trade one small bit of that beauty, as overwhelming and powerful as it can be, for "normalcy.

这是接下来的数百个夜晚中,我们第一次假装什么都没发生过,乞盼能找回旧时的感觉。That was the first of hundreds of nights we would simply have to fake normalcy and hope it felt the same.

剧中表现出,德克斯特在保持平凡的虚饰下,将自己的隐秘身份和日常生活合二为一。It shows him balancing an everyday life with his secret identity all while keeping up a facade of normalcy.

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G20公告中押韵且理智的说,“不能因为感觉到正常状态即将到来便满足”。“A sense of normalcy should not lead to complacency, ” the G20 communiqué says, with both rhyme and reason.

建国突遭厄运,我家就像天塌下来一样,如此巨大的打击我无法承受,不知所措,完全失去了常态。New loan doom, my home is like everything down, so I can not bear tremendous blow, what completely lost normalcy.

他们因大炮巨舰政策而臣服于日本,所以应当“恢复”正常的独立国家。They were forced to be subjugated to Japan by gunboat policy and should be "returned" to normalcy being an independent state.

然而,这种非传统的措施让那些持有传统思想的人深感不安,他们不断要求回归常态。Yet such unconventional measures make the conventionally minded uncomfortable, and they keep pushing for a return to normalcy.

在恶劣的天气条件下,一车车的食物,水以及帐篷运抵结古镇,这座位于地震震中的小镇也开始渐渐恢复常态。As truckloads of food, water and tents poured in amid inclement weather, a state of relative normalcy has begun to return to Gyegu.

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根据意见,超级母公司杰奎琳肯尼迪,克林顿和希拉里克林顿竭力创造一个蚕茧正常的切尔西队。Drawing on advice from uber-parent Jacqueline Kennedy, Bill and Hillary Clinton strove to create a cocoon of normalcy for Chelsea. Ms.

或许这只是海市蜃楼,或许这是世界各国的措施——特别是美国政府的措施——使人们恢复常态。Perhaps this is a mirage—or perhaps the measures taken by states around the world, chiefly the U.S. government, have restored normalcy.

由于经济危机已经发生,看到美国政治阶层对常态轻描淡写令人震惊又愤怒。It has been astonishing and infuriating, as the economic crisis has unfolded, to watch America’s political class defining normalcy down.

那些带走岩石做纪念的游客显然都想坚信这些岩石可以帮助自己摆脱厄运并坚信好运回到自己身边。Visitors who take mementoes of sand or pieces of rock apparently report bad luck and the belief is that returning them restores normalcy.

雷德蒙说,帮助人民恢复正常的生活的最好方法是在条件容许的情况下尽早让他们返回家园。Redmond says the best way to help restore normalcy to peoples' lives is to get them home as soon as possible, as soon as conditions allow.

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该组织表示,这个为幼儿早期发展的宝盒具有娱乐性和启发性,给那些处在艰难环境中的儿童有一些正常生活的感觉。UNICEF says its new early childhood development kit is fun, stimulating and helps provide children in difficult circumstances a sense of normalcy.

一些经济学家推断10月投机爆发的原因是程序交易,而崩盘仅仅是回归常态。Some economists theorized the speculative boom leading up to October was caused by program trading, and that the crash was merely a return to normalcy.

这一步很重要,因为这象征着正常秩序的回归,这也是美联储仍在搜集的宏观经济数据中的一大亮点。It was an important step because it brought a sense of normalcy back to the system-a bright spot in the picture we were still piecing together at the Fed.