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十一奉献是尊崇神的行为表现。Tithing is an act of worship.

让我们回到什一税的例子。Let's return to the tithing example.

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你可以用零用钱缴纳十一奉献。You can use allowance to pay tithing.

那个时候,我们都在学习“什一税”的有关理论。We were learning about tithing at the time.

你们向教会交什一税,还感恩野兽们让某人祈祷。You paid the tithing and thanked the beast for someone to pray too.

我鼓励大家把奉献变成我们的储蓄行动计划。I encourage us all to incorporate tithing into our savings plan of action.

愿他们瞭解什一奉献的意义并以收入来荣耀上帝。Pray for them to understand tithing and to honor God with their resources.

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他爸是耶和华的信徒,他必须向教堂捐款。His father was a Jehovah's Witness and he had to pay a tithing to the church.

十分之一的制度是上帝所订的,从古时就被人遵行。The tithing system was ordained by God, and it had been observed from the earliest times.

个人而言,我觉得征收什一税更像是交会员费,尽管它体现慷慨大方。Personally, I see tithing as more like paying membership dues, but it's generous nonetheless.

我可以改变“天课”的形式,甚至改变布施的数量,但我永远不会停止缴纳自己的“什一税”。I can change the form of my tithing, I can even change the amount of my tithing, but I will never stop tithing.

要约会最终导致婚姻、大家庭,教会信徒奉献的基本原则和列席的信仰。Should dating lead eventually to marriage, large families, faithful church attendance and tithing are bedrock principles of the faith.

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我的富爸爸既提供金钱也提供教育,他坚信应对社会有所贡献。“如果你想获得,你首先需要给予。”他总是这样说。My rich dad gave money as well as education. He believed firmly in tithing. "If you want something, you first need to give, "he would always say. "

面目可疑的人一旦出现在某甲,第一个看到的人就立刻报告甲长。The moment a suspicious stranger appears in the district comprised in a tithing, he is promptly reported to the head of the tithing by whoever sees him first.

同样明显的是,即使像中国这样一个住所极为固定的国家,保甲制度在很大程度上也只是一种法律上的袭用假设。It is also evident that even in China, where the most extreme form of permanence of abode is found, the system of tithing is to a large extent a mere legal fiction.