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曼奇尼实际上输掉了中场。Mancini had effectively lost his midfield.

利物浦的中场看起来慢吞吞的,很平凡。Liverpool's midfield looked slow and stodgy.

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中场居中的位置由埃默森与迪亚拉占据着。The midfield was taken by Emerson and Diarra.

用老穆的话来讲,这是个菱形中场。That's a midfield diamond in Mourinho terminology.

然后帕特里克博格生病了,我就出现在了中场。Then Patrik Berger got sick and I was in midfield.

温总说,“他可以打左中场同时也可以打左后卫。He can play left midfield or he can play left-back.

辛克莱尔担任右卫而坎波推上中场。Sinclair goes to right-back and Campo into midfield.

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我记得贝巴在中场拿到球。I remember Berba picked up the ball deep in midfield.

我认为比赛中争夺最激烈的地方将是中场。I think the hottest area of the pitch will be midfield.

中场是他的巴西人和勒万多斯基最为他的关键人物。In midfield his Brazilians and Lewandowski as his lynchpin.

赖特.菲利普斯在中场右边维持住位置。Wright-Phillips retains his place on the right of midfield.

他更倾向于在中场中路活动,能够影响比赛。He prefers central midfield where he can influence the game.

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法国队的施丹控制中场技术一流。Zidane of the French team is good at controlling the midfield.

他可以当中场组织者也可以踢边路。He plays as a midfield play-maker but can also play on the wing.

而曼联在这一方面相对薄弱,他们的中场缺乏些许创造力。United, on the other hand, lack the same creativity in midfield.

“我们本应打出一个大比分,”这位中场选手说。"We probably deserved a higher score, " the midfield player said.

比利亚身后的中场,还有很大创造的空间,但还缺一个好的边路。Big creative hole in central midfield behind Silva but a good side.

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每个赛季在右路他都能贡献15粒进球。Every year he gets five to 15 goals from the right side of midfield.

中场的抢断和穿透性的出球是我们需要的。Tackling well and playing penetrating balls from midfield are vital.

马克莱莱也被安排休息,因此埃辛顶在后腰位置。Makelele was also on the bench so Essien was asked to anchor midfield.