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所以﹐我可能会当编剧吧。So maybe I'll be a scriptwriter.

编剧帮助他将其所著小说改编成电影。The scriptwriter helped him to adapt his novel for the screen.

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电影在导演,编剧等都有着许多可圈可点之处。Film director , scriptwriter and so have many of the worth noting.

这部侦探电影的编剧设计了一个很好的情节。The scriptwriter of this detective movie has designed a good plot.

所以编剧只能在近几集中尽量减少这名演员的戏份。Therefore, in recent scriptwriter can only minimize the focus on this actor's Xifen.

这位编剧还借鉴了奥巴马的生活来描述剧中的超级明星候选人。The scriptwriter also borrowed from Obama's life the notion of a superstar candidate.

很不满导演和编剧的拍摄,对此,强烈的抗议!Very dissatisfied with the director and scriptwriter of the film, which, strong protest!

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他是一名专业的编剧,对当代中国和新生一代有着浓厚的兴趣。He is a professional scriptwriter and is deeply interested in modern China and its youth culture.

上海戏剧学院戏剧文学系毕业,国家一级编剧。Graduated from Drama. Literature Department of Shanghai Theatre Academy, State level A scriptwriter.

另外,企划编辑也会协助制作人提出、撰写企划案,并负责发放新闻稿的工作。A scriptwriter also assists the producer in presenting and writing production plans as well as the press release.

在二十世纪八十年代早期,编剧格式软件就已经开发出来了,几乎可以帮助剧作家自动编排格式。Early in the 1980's, script-formatting software was developed to help the scriptwriter do thisalmost automatically.

作为北京电视台的一个编剧,王在两年前才开始雕刻。那是一次偶然事件。Officially a scriptwriter for Peking television, Wang only began sculpting about two years ago-and then by accident.

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曾在湖南卫视任编导记者多年,期间专职编剧,现专职写作。Mr Pang Once served as choreographer reporter in Hunan satellite TV, he was a full-time scriptwriter then, and now is full-time writing.

坦诚地讲,即使是最好的剧作家也不可能想到根据警察的调查和最终的审判所得出的事实。Honestly, not even the best scriptwriter could come up with the revelations that followed in the police investigation and eventual trial.

除了对电影制作发行的影响之外,金融危机也给好莱坞编剧提供了更多新素材。In addition to the impact of the Movie Producers and Distributors, the financial crisis also provided a Hollywood scriptwriter more new material.

昨天在其博客上表示,知名编剧面对电视剧制片人给出的10万元一集的条件,仍不肯接戏。Yesterday in his blog, said that the face of well-known TV producer, scriptwriter of 100,000 yuan a given set of conditions, then refused to play.

企划编剧要针对电视的特点,节目的型态,将人物、场景、情境做最好的融合,写出一份好的剧本。A scriptwriter is in charge of writing shooting scripts, turning the ideas into reality based on the knowledge of television and needs of programs.

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这样一来,似乎编剧和导演的工作都是一样的,不同的是这两种工作用的是不同的工具。It appears then that the work of the scriptwriter and that of the director are actually the same even though the two individuals work with different tools.

提起大片大家都会联想到好莱坞,好莱坞云集了大批世界各地顶级的导演、编剧、明星、特技人员。Against large U. S. city to Hollywood legend, Hollywood all over the world gathered in a large number of top director, scriptwriter , star, stunt personnel.

除了张叔平的造型外,更得益于韩国导演郭在容的加盟,担纲本片编剧。In addition to the shape of Zhang Shuping, but also benefited from South Korea in the capacity of director Guo joined, you will see this movie scriptwriter.