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官僚又开始搞破坏。Bureaucratic vandals strike again.

我们不能摆官架子。We must not put on bureaucratic airs.

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但是越南的经济是高度官僚化的。But commerce in Vietnam is highly bureaucratic.

衙门作风必须抛弃。The bureaucratic style of work must be dropped.

只是这计划又苦于官僚之间的混战难以实施。But the plan is plagued by bureaucratic in-fighting.

像这些官僚式的托词只影响了一小范围。Such bureaucratic subterfuge works on a small scale.

那时候微软还没有现在这么官僚化。In those days, Microsoft was a lot less bureaucratic.

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必须清除官僚习气。It is necessary to get rid of bureaucratic practices.

劳动的汗水冲掉了他身上的官气。The sweat of labour washed away his bureaucratic airs.

腐败和官员仍然有问题。Corruption and bureaucratic fiefdoms remain problematic.

官僚政治与官僚主义是存在区别的。Bureaucratic politics and bureaucratism has distinctions.

她计划避开官僚体制下的繁文缛礼。She planned a way to circumvent all the bureaucratic red tape.

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2“办公室进化论”是“适者生存”的官方形式。Office Darwinism" is a bureaucratic form of "survival of the fittest."

对经济事务的官僚化管理,其效率低下早已有目共睹。The inefficiency of the bureaucratic conduct of affairs is proverbial.

这一体系不能是等级制度,更不应成为官僚机构。This system cannot be hierarchical, and it should not be bureaucratic.

我们原谅官僚的因循习性,容忍治安人员的恶行恶状。We pardon bureaucratic officials and endure bad deeds of security staff.

首先你会发现,出于官僚主义的原因,这么做是不可能的。For a start, you may find it impossible to do so for bureaucratic reasons.

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官僚政治的功能障碍可能会触发国家权力的全面崩溃。Bureaucratic dysfunction could trigger a total collapse in state authority.

这样的官僚间的你争我夺看起来可能是无关紧要的琐碎小事。Such bureaucratic hair-pulling might seem petty, were so much not at stake.

最后,移交是一个行政程序上的令人心悸的麻烦事。Then there is the problem that all transitions are bureaucratic nightmares.