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其它的结果就不那么容易定量地进行描述了。Other results were less quantifiable.

用人方想看到的是量化的成绩。Employers want to see quantifiable achievements.

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这样就能把这部恐怖片让人产生的恐惧感量化。This makes the scariness of a horror film quantifiable.

但是微软研究组成员现在有了量化了的证据证明。But the folks at Microsoft's research division now have quantifiable proof.

目标和富有成效与可以定量的目标是高度相关的。Goals and being productive is strongly related to goals that are quantifiable.

有没有可能EDD因为可以提供直接和可量化的数据,而被管理人员青睐?Is it possible that, by providing direct and quantifiable data, EDD will be favoured by managers?

为代码评审和获取制度建立可定量化的目标,这样您才能改进流程。Establish quantifiable goals for code review and capture metrics so you can improve your processes.

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为代码评审创建可定量化的目标,并获取制度,这样您就可以改进流程了Establish quantifiable goals for code review, and capture metrics so you can improve your processes

可以计量的技术能力是雇佣一名软件开发人员主要因素。Quantifiable technical ability is a primary attribute that gets a person hired as a software developer.

准备好详细阐述你过去的成就如何帮助你的老东家完成了可量化的目标。Be ready to give specifics about how your past accomplishments helped your employer reach quantifiable goals.

KPI是可以量度的标准,用来衡量组织绩效是否达到CSF要求。KPI is a quantifiable gauge that an organization uses to measure its performance in terms of meeting its CSFs.

将可以量化的因素和不可量化的因素结合起来,分析区域金融差异。It combines the non-quantifiable and quantifiable factors together to analyze the regional financial difference.

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在生产力高的组织里,个体员工往往是作为一个团队成员贡献自己力量的。Gainsharing is an incentive award system for organizations that have operations that are monetarily quantifiable.

在全球范围内,有关病虫害发生率及其对森林和森林产品造成影响的可量化数据有限。Globally there is limited quantifiable data about pest incidence and their effects on forests and forest products.

一旦我看到真实的、可量化的证据,我才会相信美国公司迁回了国内制造业。I'll believe once I see real, quantifiable evidence that U. S. companies are back doing manufacturing domestically.

撇开版权限制不谈,目前在互联网上有多少人类知识呢——如果可以量化的话?Despite copyright restrictions, how much human knowledge is on the Internet at this point – if it's even quantifiable?

比例汇总和类比分析表明,该方法主观因素少,易于量化,操作性强。Applied results show that this planning method has few subjective factors, and is easily quantifiable and very maneuverable.

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把所有你会的技能和你所受过的教育都写上,向可能成为你老板的人一一列数你曾做过哪些事。Include all skills and education you have and show potential employers what you have done in quantifiable and measurable terms.

利用项目计分卡软件将这些度量标准进行处理和显示,从而概括每个项目的可计量的状态。These metrics are processed and displayed using project scorecard software to summarize the quantifiable status of each project.

之后,又询问了些关于洪水周期、平均气温等,可用具体数字来回答的问题。Then, they followed with more specific, quantifiable questions about phenomena such as drought frequency and average temperature.