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整个人带着一种嚣张的华美。The whole individual takes a kind of overbearing gaudiness.

艳俗,作为产品的一种审美风格,在后现代社会兴起。Gaudiness as a kind of aesthetic style rises in postmodern society.

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华美及其伴随的辉煌,是你与生俱来的权利作为一个自行车!Gaudiness and its companion brilliance, are your birthright as a bicyclist!

以波普设计为代表的艳俗风格,不仅是一种审美风格,更与社会的经济、政治、文化、价值取向的转向紧密相连。Gaudiness is not only an aesthetic style, but also linked with the changes of economy, politics, culture and value orientation.

白色的粉笔灰,一阵阵地飘落在教室里,它染白了您的黑发,却洗尽了我们身上的浮华,将我们青春的绿色映衬得更加繁茂。White chalk ashes fall in the classroom dyeing your black hair white but washing off our gaudiness making our youth more luxuriantly green.

白色的粉笔灰,一阵阵地飘落在教室里,它染白了您的黑发,却洗尽了我们身上的浮华,将我们青春的绿色映衬得更加繁茂。White chalk ashes fall in the classroom dyeing your black hair white but washing off our gaudiness making our youth more luxuriant ly green.

她认为酒店的成功不在于有多么的奢华多么的哗众取宠,而是明确自身的定位,找到优势所在将其发扬光大。Ms Xu conceives that the success of a hotel is not based on its luxury or gaudiness but on a lucid orientation and a full play of its strength.

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特别是对玩世、泼皮、艳俗等特殊历史时期艺术家的审美追求的动因进行了深入的分析和探讨。Especially analysis and discuss deeply on the motivation of artists' aesthetic pursuit in the special history time as cynicism, Popi, gaudiness and so on.

培根曾经以这种划线表现人体被压抑的活力,而在画面效果上显示出的是一种“鬼怪式的花哨”。Bacon once used such scratches to express the suppressed vitality in human body, and to show a kind of 'ghostlike gaudiness ' in the picture effectiveness.

一个绚丽得无法形容的宇宙展现在他脑海里,这时小钟在洗脸架上滴答滴答地响着,月亮用水一般的光浸泡着他乱七八糟仍在地上的衣服。A universe of ineffable gaudiness spun itself out in his brain while the clock ticked on the wash-stand and the moon soaked with wet light his tangled clothes upon the floor.

先说环境,星级酒店的硬件设施是一流的,但往往流于形式的华美与富丽,却少情趣。Let's start with the settings. Equipped with state-of-art facilities, the five-star-hotels are usually imprinted much gaudiness and magnificence but little sentiment, or, the sense of pleasure.

晚唐特定的时代背景与后蜀特殊的文化土壤使道教文化在花间词中得以蔓延。道教文化给予花间词人以可贵的启迪,它有力地刺激了词人想像力的发挥,给花间词抹上了浓艳绮丽的色彩,增添了空灵缥缈之美感。The poets of Huajian School were enlightened by the tales of Taoist culture, which set the poets to fly their imagination, thus adding touches of gaudiness and discernible beauty to Hua-jan Ci.