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他是一个自以为是的家伙。He is a self-righteous prig.

他是一个自以为是的家夥。He is a self-righteous prig.

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我知道我听起来很挑剔,其实也不至于。I know I sound a prig . I'm not.

我看你不知道什么是三只手吧?I suppose you don't know what a prig is.

从自由不羁到一本正经,这样的转变实在是太彻底了。The transition from libertine to prig was so complete.

他们责骂他是一个沾沾自喜、装腔作势的人。He had been railed against by them as a prig and a poseur.

人们很容易不自觉地变成这样的人,这是致命的危险。Unconsciously to become a prig is an easy and a fatal thing.

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这种人鲁莽无礼,总是摆出一幅有极高智商的神态。Now a prig is a pert fellow who gives himself airs of superior wisdom.

他那么自命不凡,我希望他在本党初选里输给那个喜欢我的满是纹身的家伙。He's a prig and I wish he had lost his primary to that tattooed guy who likes me.

道学先生会说他没有教养,假装正经的人会说他举止粗野。A prig would have said that he had lost culture, and a prude that he had become coarse.

第一个可怕的危险是成为最讨厌、最不受欢迎的人——假正经。The first is the terrible danger of becoming that most odious and least supportable of persons—a prig.