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这个祝福,如同圣经本身一样广阔。This beatitude is as vast as the Bible itself.

这个祝福,盖括了整本圣经的信息。This beatitude encompasses the whole message of the Bible.

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愿望自身是一种幸福,兴许是这个世界能供给的重要的幸福。Hope is itcocky a breed of beatitude which this apple allows.

对这第四个福气的宣告,圣经给了我们两个应用的途径。The Bible gives us two applications to this fourth beatitude.

他们在汪洋,深广无限的福乐大海中沐浴自己。They bathe themselves in the bottomless, shoreless sea of infinite beatitude.

短暂的幸福感消散了。她怀着一颗粉碎的心回到家中。The abbreviate feeling of beatitude abolished, and she came back home with a torn affection.

在春节期间,人们喜欢互赠香囊表达祝福。At the spring festival people like to present each other perfume bags as gifts to express beatitude.

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我正在进行自己的快乐方案,你也应当有一个!I'm alive on my beatitude Project, beats de dre, and you could accept one, Polo Ralph Lauren pas cher, too!

通过其方案,服务,咨询,教育,爱护和支持,至福家帮助他们打破这种循环。Through its programs, services, counseling, education, love and support, Beatitude House helps them break that cycle.

圣以撒只想着他们同胞的完美祝福,以他们造物主之名来忍受着这些痛苦。Thinking Of ThePerfect Beatitude Of Their Siblings Only, TheHolyOnesEndured These Sufferings In The NameOfTheir Creators.

我觉得,以灵魂生产的名义,宣告人类通往至上幸福,快要到了,反而遭受到某种的拖延。In the name of the production of souls, this announcement of the passage of humanity to beatitude as being very near, suffered, it seems to me, a certain postponement.

对大少数人来说,退休当前,浏览或学习一项新技术已成为他们生活的核心和快活的起源。For the majority of people, account or learning a new accomplishment has become the focus of their lives and the antecedent of their beatitude and comfort afterwards their retirement.

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或许有人以为,哀恸与蒙福是两回事,但无限智慧的上帝,却把这两件事巧妙地配合在一起。One would have thought mourning and being blessed were in opposition, but the infinitely wise Savior puts them together in this Beatitude. What He has joined together let no man put asunder.

克鲁亚克通过这部作品表达了垮掉分子试图解放自我,追求自由,直接获得生命体验,达到灵魂的赤裸和精神上的极乐的状态。By writing this work, Kerouac tries to express the Beats'attempt to liberate the self, pursue freedom and get the direct life experience to achieve the state of soul and the Beatitude of the spirit.