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一起玩蹦蹦床.Jump on a trampoline together.

摆上一个鞍马和蹦床。Get a vaulting horse and a trampoline.

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跳到蹦床上你得先脱鞋。You take your shoes off to jump on a trampoline.

有个体操运动员正在蹦床上做空翻。A gymnast on the trampoline was turning somersaults.

何雯娜,蹦床运动员,是我最喜欢的女运动员。He Wenna, a trampoline athlete, is my favorite sportswoman.

安娜贝利张开双臂,这样恰好落在那张“弹力床”上。She spread her arms out and landed right on the trampoline.

这就像一个训练的蹦床,有助于孩子们锻炼学习。It's a useful trampoline for children to learn how to get by.

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如果能在蹦蹦床上盖一栋房子的话,那会很适合我。If you could build a house on a trampoline , that would suit me fine.

一名七年级学生急慌慌地硬挤到她俩前面,要报名参加蹦床俱乐部。An eager Year 7 barged in front of them to sign up for trampoline club.

何雯娜今年21岁,曾在2008年奥运会拿下女子蹦床金牌。He, 21, was the gold medalist in Trampoline of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

18日晚,在奥运会蹦床女子决赛中,资格赛排名第一的中国小将何雯娜以出色表现获得冠军。He Wenna, 19, from Fujian, won the gold medal in the women's trampoline Monday evening.

然后,圣诞节的那天早上,你一定猜到了,巴斯特终于有机会跳上蹦床,一次玩个够啦。Then, comes Christmas morning and, you guessed it, he finally gets his turn on the trampoline.

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保龄球的重量会使弹簧床凹下去,与此相同,地球的重量也使得时空产生弯曲。Earth's gravity warps spacetime the same way a bowling ball weighs down the middle of a trampoline.

想像下将一个保龄球在一个二维的弹簧垫子表面滚动的情形。Picture what it would be like to roll a bowling ball onto the two-dimensional surface of a trampoline.

著名的蹦床运动员何雯娜曾获2008年北京奥运女子蹦床金牌和2012年伦敦奥运会铜牌。Famous trampoline athlete He Wenna has one gold medal and one bronze medal from the Beijing and London Olympics.

他们爬上蹦床,在月光下蹦蹦跳跳,像美国任何地方的十几岁孩子般咯咯直笑。They climbed onto her trampoline and began jumping in the moonlight, giggling like teenagers anywhere in America.

中国选手何雯娜为中国赢得了第一块奥运会蹦床金牌。China's He Wenna won the first Olympic trampoline gold medal for her country before overjoyed home fans here on Monday.

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使用一回作为一个马戏团表演体操蹦床技巧前手翻蹦床在此免费视频特技。Use a back handspring as a trampoline trick with a circus gymnastics performer in this free video on trampoline stunts.

树木的侧影柔和了室外生硬的景观,后面的儿童蹦床给孩子们带来了欢乐。Thin profile trees softens the outdoor hardscape, with a trampoline at the rear for the children's to have fun exercise !

当你把体操,跳水,跳床和柔道中的那些裁判决定的瞎扯的项目去掉之后,美国才是那个决定性的强者。When you factor out all the judging nonsense in gymnastics, diving, trampoline and judo, Team USA is the decisive leader.