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她是个卖弄风情的女人。She is a flirt.

你是个调情的人吗?Are you a flirt?

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知道如何调情。Knows how to flirt.

她是一个情场高手。She is a real flirt.

千万不要带着爱火。Never flirt with fire.

她是个调情老手。She is an accomplished flirt.

新来的女孩子很爱出风头。The new girl is such a flirt.

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你不需要通过调情才能生存。No need to flirt for survival.

当然,她对谁都卖弄风情。Of course she'll flirt with anybody.

她的丈夫是个积习难改的调情老手。Her husband is an incorrigible flirt.

然而我们还是不知羞耻地调笑危险。And yet we flirt shamelessly with risk.

但她并没和他们调情或做其他勾当。But she doesn't flirt back or anything.

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你常常对你所见的每个女孩子眉来眼去。You often flirt with every girl you met.

她还要跟那个县里的每一个男人调情。And she would flirt with every man there.

如果你要跟我调情,我立刻就走。If you flirt with me, I’ll have to leave.

不要跟你遇到的每个美男子调情。Don't flirt with every handsome man you meet.

当你的调情有人欣赏时会有无尽的性感魅惑。It is sexy when you flirt and people like it.

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这在你和女孩打情骂俏的时候尤为重要。This is important when you flirt with a girl.

上帝一造成傻子之后,就马上创造了调情卖俏之''。God create the flirt as soon as he make the fool.

他是个你能够想象得到的最可怕的调情鬼。He is the most horrible flirt that can be imagined.