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酒与杯恩恩爱爱!!Wine and cup boon conjugal love!!

缘分,其实是一种微妙的东西。Conjugal fate is something delicate.

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然后这些仅仅是婚姻调查。Then these are just conjugal visits.

在一定意义上,这是它们的夫妻床。This was their conjugal bed, in a sense.

白头偕老,永结同心!White-headed conjugal bliss, to tie the knot!

走吧,是你的‘夫妻团聚’时间,你老婆来了。It’s time for your conjugal. Your wife is here.

结婚当然是一种制度。Of course the conjugal state was an institution.

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配偶的延续执政也在尼加拉瓜形成威胁。Conjugal succession is also a threat in Nicaragua.

不管怎么说,他们对于婚姻的智慧都来自于几十年婚姻的积累和沉淀。After all, their wisdom is gleaned from decades of conjugal bliss.

圆形的铜镜是花好月圆,团圆吉祥的象征。A round bronze mirror symbolizes the perfect conjugal bliss reunion and luck.

但一方若是植物人,他的婚姻权又应如何行使呢?However, if one party is a vegetable, how can his conjugal rights be executed?

婚后他们没有一起生活,更谈不上夫妻感情。They do not live together ever since marriage, not mentioning conjugal affection.

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伍兹妻子艾琳最近去治疗所的事情还催生出了关于夫妻间访问的笑话。Woods' wife Elin's recent trip to Gentle Path prompted jokes about conjugal visits.

配偶双方的居住地可能相距千里,但不仅仅是婚姻的纽带在承受压力。Spouses can live ­thousands of miles apart, but the strain is not just on conjugal ties.

植物人到底能否离婚,植物人的婚姻权利究竟应当如何行使?Whether vegetables can get divorced and how can conjugal rights of vegetables be executed?

首先通过解除婚约束缚、规范结婚形式而实现结婚自由。Conjugal freedom was realized by unchaining matrimonial vows and making conjugal form normative.

但是,为什么你回来这里要把我们带去给祂,祂的夫妻之爱是很难放弃的?But why have you come back here to take us to Him, whose conjugal love is so difficult to give up?

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花好月圆之夜,你们各自走过漫漫长路,觉得日子寂寞而又温情跌宕。Perfect conjugal bliss night, you pass through a long road, feel the day is loneliness and warmth.

现在,蛾子进来寻找它的最爱。但蛾子没有得到婚姻的祝福,它得到了什么呢?Now, the moth goes in search of its beloved. But instead of conjugal bliss, what does the moth get?

平等、独立型的伙伴关系已经成为上海婚姻的主流模式。The conjugal relation, based on equality and independence, has become the main marital mode in Shanghai.