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他这人有点儿迂腐。He's a bit pedantic.

我这里有点过于迂腐了。I'm being slightly pedantic here.

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他看了我一眼,目光犀利而深邃。He gave me a pointed and pedantic stare.

和他的一些变化好像是卖弄学问。And a few of his changes seemed somewhat pedantic.

忠诚,正如她理解的那样,并非是字面上和学究气的那类事情。Fidelity, as she perceived it, wasn’t something literal and pedantic.

您瞧韩佳,一看到美景,说话就文绉绉的了。Han Jia, whenever you see a beautiful place, you would always sound pedantic.

他年已四十,瘦骨嶙峋,一张干瘦的脸,刻板而迂腐。He was a man of forty, thin, with a pinched face, precise and rather pedantic.

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总而言之,这“雷锋”已经细致到有点迂腐和罗嗦了。In sum, this "Lei Fong" is sensitive to the extent that he is pedantic and wordy.

而主裁判迪恩也再次证明自己是英超最吹毛求痴且喜欢卖弄的裁判。It also confirmed Mike Dean's reputation as the fussiest and most pedantic of referees.

然而,这第二种“误用”是一种现今提出异议就可能相当学究气的误用。This second "misuse", however is one that it would be rather pedantic to protest at nowadays.

要避免行文下流,只需一味在文章卖弄学问、装腔作势即可。Surely, it is but a mechanical rule for avoiding what is low, to always pedantic and affected.

⊙、在科学里,嘲笑腐儒,也就类似宗教里的嘲笑迷信。In science, laugh at stale and pedantic scholar, also is similar to the religious superstition.

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但有一些人觉得其实它原来很沉闷和搞笑,守旧,迂腐和性别歧视。There are also those who find is in turns boring and hilarious, old-fashioned, pedantic and sexist.

在我们书生气十足的要为字体的像素数惊醒大辩论的之前,且听我说,我暂且将此按下不表。Before we get into the pedantic debate about pixel font sizes, let me just say — Let’s not go there.

他爱欣赏、爱研究名家的画,但从不不亦步亦趋,食古不化。He is it appreciate , is it study picture of classic to love to like, ape sedulously never, pedantic.

冯渊和石呆子二人的生性过于迂执,结果都成了黑暗社会的牺牲品。Feng Yuan & Shi Daizi were over pedantic and stubborn and eventually became victims of the dark society.

可能有很多,中国现在缺少女性。哈,我知道你的意思啦,我这是在卖弄学问。Probably many, it is China and there is a female shortage, but I know what you meant, I am being pedantic.

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比如,探索者-推销者可能会认为控制者-检查者枯燥、乏味、呆板,过于关注细节。Explorer-Promoters, for example, may see Controller-Inspectors as dull, boring, pedantic and detail- oriented.

但在他们的演讲设法仿效书面语言的多数人员对经常是没有察觉的卖弄学问他们如何听起来。But most persons who try to imitate written language in their speech are often unaware of how pedantic they sound.

从实用角度看,这个定义尽管精确,但它和第一种描述一样,都是纸上谈兵、毫不实用。This definition, though accurate, is equally as pedantic and useless as the first, from a practical point of view.