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不可说,是世界的本源。Inexpressible is where the world emerges.

这样死去是种无法形容的恐怖!Inexpressible is the horror of dying thus!

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重获珍宝的感受是难以言喻的。Thefeeling of regain treasure is inexpressible.

她渴望自己快快的一死完事。To death she looked with inexpressible longing.

独处着说不出的痛,独自舔嗜着伤口。Alone with inexpressible pain, alone lick the wound.

他能够了解她的感情,尽管这种感情难以言表。He could understand her feelings that were inexpressible in words.

他被提到乐园里、听见隐秘的言语、是人不可说的。He heard inexpressible things, things that man is not permitted to tell.

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我目前已谈到梦与莫可名状的体验的关系。Until now I have talked about the relation of dreams with the inexpressible.

寂静之后,最靠近最能表达不可表达的是音乐。After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.

城镇本身并不舒适,然而四郊的自然环境却散发出浓郁而无法言说的美丽。The town itself is not pleasant, but all around it Nature expands an inexpressible beauty.

俄罗斯北部地区有着无法言传的自然美景和迷人的历史遗迹。The North part of Russia possesses an inexpressible beauty of nature and fascinating historical monuments.

这位疯狂的艺术家在用他的画风和颜料来表达他那无法衡量而又难以表达的激情。The mad artist tried to use his brushwork and colours to express his immeasurable and inexpressible passion.

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当这一小伙人回来发现匹克威克先生不见了的时候,那惊愕之态简直无法形容。Inexpressible was the astonishment of the little party when they returned to find that Mr. Pickwick had disappeared.

事实上,如果想要表达那种表达不出来的事情,除了沉默之外,也只有音乐才最办得到,那是因为音乐具有真与美的特质。In fact, after silence what comes nearest to express the inexpressible is music for its magic qualities of truth and beauty.

语言无用,因为他创造的是一个虚幻的空间,那里住满了孤独的人们,他们拼命想表达无法表达的东西却徒劳无功。Language is useless, for he creates a mythical universe peopled by lonely creatures who struggle vainly to express the inexpressible.

“我也会想念你,亲爱的,”奥利凡德说,拍了拍她的肩膀,“在那个可怕的地方,你对我是一个莫大的安慰。”"And I you, my dear, " said Ollivander, patting her on the shoulder. "You were an inexpressible comfort to me in that terrible place. "

同样,我要说,正是善解人意和通情达理,赋予中国的人性类型、真正的中国人难以言表的文雅。Similarly, I want to say that it is the considerateness and sympathy that forms the Chinese type of humanity—an inexpressible gentleness.

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在所有真理的洞察中都有一种神性的狂喜,一种极度的欢愉,如同青年拥抱自己婚配的贞女。In all perception of the truth there is a divine ecstasy, an inexpressible delirium of joy, as when a youth embraces his betrothed virgin.

特定的地域风土人情,对绘画创作有着难以解释的影响。Individual regions, with their characteristics milieus , landscapes and local customs, have an inexpressible influence on the creation of art.

阿里巴巴的老婆一离开,凯新家的就检查这个称的底子,非常难以置信的惊讶发现一块金子粘在上面。As soon as Ali Baba's wife was gone, Cassim's looked at the bottom of the measure, and was in inexpressible surprise to find a piece of gold sticking to it.